Another astonishing tape-work by this great band. We have written already on this blog about T.Q.T.R.-this Italian band has been active since the end of the 80s, and they have been very prolific, recording and releasing a very good amount of tapes and cds.
T.Q.T.R. is Luca Ferrarini, Paolo Gentiluomo, Marco Berisso, and Roberto Soprani.
This tape came out on the Italian label Old Europa Cafe back in 1990 as a c46-this label is still active now days and you can easily find info if you just click the link to the label in this article. The same label re-released this tape together with Muleacenani tape(already posted on this blog) as a remastered double cd back in 2006 in a limited edition of only 150 copies.
As for the music of Lacrymae Rerum(the tears of the things)-this is a bit different from their other tapes already posted here(In absentia and Muleacenani). A different approach and technique is used, delivering us a much more industrial sound reminding me some of the very first SPK releases. The ethnic/ritual drone- noise is still there but somehow loops and metal objects cranking and bashing are thorwn in creating a mixture of deviant extreme electronic sounds that eventually crash within. There are also some tracks which are a bit more rhythimic that blow us into a destructive yet creative and organized chaos. The usual aural texture of the other releases is still there but this time with a cataclysmic cacophony. As I said already: I think all the realeses of this band are a must for all the lovers of ancient/ritual industrial music; so I suppose the followers of this blog should love this tape.
Track lsiting:
A1 Tenvitas Animi
A2 Damnatio Memoriae (C.P.)
A3 Havd
A4 Oranismvs I / Incitatio
B1 Oranismvs II / Labor Orgasmatkvs
B2 Res Sacra Miser
B3 Ex Nihilo Nihil
B4 Via Trvcis IV
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