sabato 23 luglio 2011

July 25, 2011 10:00 Statewatching Europe London

Conway Hall

Red Lion Square

London WC1R 4RL


European conference marking Statewatch's 20th anniversary. Discussion and reflection on the defence of civil liberties past, present and future.

10.00 - 11.00
Welcome: Ann Singleton
University of Bristol & Co-Chair of Statewatch Trustees

Keynote 1: Gareth Peirce on ‘The war on terror'
Solicitor & author of 'Dispatches from the Dark Side: On Torture and the Death of Justice'

Keynote 2: Tony Bunyan on ‘The state of Europe'
Director of Statewatch

11.00 - 11.30

11.30 - 13.00
Workshops (parallel)

1. Border controls, migration and asylum

2. Mass surveillance and technologies of control

3. The Stockholm Programme and post-Lisbon EU

13.00 - 14.00

14.00 - 15.30
Workshops (parallel)

4. Criminalising communities and the policing of protest

5. Racism, Islamophobia and the far-right

6. Defending civil liberties: strategies of resistance

15.30 - 16.00

16.00 - 17.30
Panel: Looking back, looking forward

Tony Bunyan
Director of Statewatch

Shami Chakrabarti
Director of Liberty

Courtenay Griffith QC
Garden Court Chambers

Aidan White
Secretary-General, International Federation of Journalists (1987-2011)

Workshop speakers

Please note that this list is still being finalised.
We will provide a full list of speakers for each workshop in due course...

Heiner Busch Komitee fur Grundrechte und Demokratie

Deirdre Curtin University of Amsterdam

Staffan Dahloff Journalist, Denmark

Liz Fekete Institute of Race Relations

Nadine Finch Garden Court Chambers

Ben Hayes Statewatch

Paddy Hillyard Queen's University Belfast

Walter van Holst European Digital Rights Initiative (EDRi)

Vassilis Kardyis Deputy Ombudsman, Greece

Alessandro dal Lago University of Genoa

Jean Lambert MEP Green Party (UK)

Steve Peers University of Essex

Asim Qureshi CagePrisoners

Minas Samatas University of Crete

Vicki Sentas CAMPACC

Gavin Sullivan ECCHR (Berlin)

Eric Toepfer Burgerrechte & Polizei/CILIP (Germany)

Rui Tavares MEP GUE, Portugal (TBC)

Lorenzo Trucco ASGI (Italy)

Sophie in't Veld MEP ALDE, Netherlands (TBC)

Frances Webber Institute of Race Relations

Steve Wright Leeds Metropolitan University

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