another excellent projekt from thee German Fich-Art label which was founded in late 1989 by the members of Ars Moriendi, Moata-omen, Asche, and The Rorschach Garden!! Monokrom tis thee projekt ov Andrea Börner [Morgenstern, Ars Moriendi, KYAM, Templegarden's], Andreas Schramm [Asche, Riviera Lost Boys, Ars Moriendi , KYAM, Templegarden's], B. Teichner [Rasputinette, Mandelbrot, The Rorschach Garden, Templegarden's], Phillip Münch [Ars Moriendi, Cell Auto Mata, The Incredible Three, Mandelbrot, Rasputeen In Heavy Leather, Rasputin, The Rorschach Garden, Show Of Exaggeration, Synapscape, Templegarden's], Tim Kniep [Ars Moriendi, The Incredible Three, Synapscape, Templegarden's]!! this one was also kindly donated to thee blog from thee collection ov Guglielmo [Biotope Art Organization]!! greatest ov thankx to {F@R@W@Y} for transferring it for us here!!
[Note: due to thee size; had to break it into two parts here and here..]
this tape consists ov excellent dark rhythmic noize/ esoteric industrial which was released in thee year 1991 as a c90!! definitely think that there will be plenty ov folkx out there who shall appreciate this one!!
Track listing:
3. Oktober '91
A1 Der Stählerne Traum
A2 Reptil...
A3 Totentanz
A4 Bild X
8. Oktober '91
B1 Kraft Durch Wasser
B2 Freiheit
B3 1.Liebe
B4 Solidarität
B5 Finale (TV-Pray)
(transferred by [[F@R@W@Y]] / review by crepusculum)
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