Earth First! Radio News is a No Compromise weekly radio program produced at Free Radio Santa Cruz. Focussing on Direct-Action and Bio-diversity for nearly 8 years, EF! Radio provides Eco-action and activist news, calls-to-action, updates and commentary on current events worldwide. Stories from Earth First!, Sea Shepherd International, Earth Liberation Front, Animal Liberation Front, Greenpeace, Canopy Action Network and actions by many other movements and local groups that defend Mother Earth are included with news about endangered animals, plants and ecosystems.
Earth First! Radio is broadcast live from Free Radio Santa Cruz 101.1 FM , Thursday at 9:00 pm. Free Radio Santa Cruz is live on the Internet at www.freakradio.org with streaming mp3 up to 128 Kbs.
Non-commercial local radio stations are encouraged to download the five minute programs and offer Earth First! Radio to their listeners. Five MP3 encoded shows suitable for rebroadcast are available each week on www.radio4all.net. There is no charge for EF! Radio, but we do ask that you tell us where and when you are rebroadcasting so we can say hi to your audience. A number of Earth First! Radio Special shows are also available.
EF! Radio is looking for interns and others to help prepare and present weekly programs. Training in news gathering, editing, radio station operation and internet broadcasting is available. School credit is possible.
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