Schedule of Events!
10:45am Maintaining Anonymity and Privacy on the Internet by Hackbloc
12:15pm basics of Political Remix by Bmedia
1:15pm Have you written your Political Prisoner Today Building a NW Support Network by Oregon Jericho
2:30pm Anarchy in a Disaster-Prone World by John Zerzan
4:00pm Connect the Dots 101: White Supremacy and the Prison Industrial Complex by Connect the Dots
5:15pm Rapid Consensus Decision-Making Workshop and Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Reading by Margaret Killjoy
11:30am DIY Vegan Deodorant by Sam
12:15am Alternatives to Mainstream Emergency Medical Services by Rosehip Collective
1:15pm The Implications of Autonomy and the Abolition of Politics by Autonomy Cascadia
2:30pm Radical Self-Defense by Jeff Monson
4:00pm Ecodefense Workshop with North Coast Forest Defenders and Karen Coulter of Blue Mountains Biodiversity Project by Earth First!
5:15pm The Politics of Sex-Positivity by Ariel of Beyond Patriarchy
Ambient Transient
Autonomy Cascadia
Beyond Patriarchy
Bitch Magazine
Black Rose Infoshop
Cat And Mouse Distro
Combustion books
Connect The Dots
Corvus Editions
Eberhardt Press
Entangled Roots
Haymarket Books
Feisty Filthy Feminist Press
Just Seeds
Kids in Black
Laughing Horse Books
Long Haul Infoshop
Megan Speers
Oregon Jericho
PDX Books To Prisoners
PM Press
Portland Freeskool
Potlatch Library
Red and Black Cafe
RoseHip Collective
Slingshot collective
Strangers in a tangled wilderness
list of vendors confirmed as of July 16th, More TBA!
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