giovedì 19 maggio 2011

Squatting under threat

Squatters are under attack everywhere. We have been beaten back along with the travellers and the other non-spenders into a corner. They badger our every step and hinder every development of our dreams, their weak minds co-operating mercilessly with the machine that oppresses them also. Squats like the Ratstar in Camberwell know all about the scary notion of being caught for pre-crime, a total departure from the concept of innocent until proven guilty. With pre-crime you do not need evidence or even identification. Association is enough. Read more ...

How did this happen you may ask? Years of brainwashing inflicted on the general public during the years of opulence condemned the concept of anarchy to being synonymous with chaos. Meanwhile the fear of terrorism was fed on by the authorities as they bred paranoia in the heart of all 'good citizens'. The idea that your Pakistani next-door neighbour could be the leader of an Al-Qaeda cell planning to take out Parliament gave everyday Europeans an instant desire to make it go away. This succeeded in just ten years, so now all they had to do was relate any activism or squatting with terrorism and all moves would seem appropriate to deal with the threat.

However, the financial crisis, quickly followed by the cuts are a wake-up call for this nation, which is looking again to find political solutions to their discontent. With the reality of poverty looming, people have started to question again in that critical logical way that is habitual on this island.

But its a slow movement among the people with hard skins used to being spoon-fed from the cream of their increasingly imperialistic capitalistic cake. So they wade around searching around for the concept of justice that was lost somewhere along the way as they changed their humility and socialism for their own greed and pride.

But there is hope if we can stick together. Because it is happening everywhere and we are not taking this lying down. In Barcelona, the Assembly of Barcelona has been created, which couples together various anarchistic and other radical left groups and even some of the main unions to various degrees and with a large amount of suspicion.

One of the groups represented is the squat community, which for the first time for various years finds itself under enough pressure to rekindle the assembly of squats where they discuss shared concerns, co-operation and tactics. With a right-wing government threatening to illegalise squatting because it knows that this is the antithesis to the neo-liberal state it wants to create, and therefore has to relegate them to criminals.

The powerful anti-fa scene in the middle of Europe is also rallying to the cause and judging by the demonstrations that took place when the police evicted the Liebig14 hausprojekt the consequent scene there is by no means dead and buried. May 1st was another big demo, and once again over 5,000 hardcore black-block elements kept the police busy and the Neo-Nazis shaking. And this is only the tip of the iceberg as large sections of the population seek this active resistance daily, the repercussions of which fan out across their society.

In Greece the anarchists never minced their words while in Rome and the Netherlands the squatters are reclaiming their views against fascism. Now, with the students sympathising with our views again the time is ripe for struggle.

So here in London let us also be strong together, and as the Barcelona anarchists said in the: “The people,united, shall not be defeated". Let us have 1000 people at every eviction, as if every home they destroy was our own, because we all know how they feel. Let us show the people around why we are so free and how constructive it can be, because like this we change their public opinion. Let us support the few remnants of union power because when the RMT decided to strike it was because they were removing union activists from among the workforce – a purely political attack by the institution. Let us permuate the web with misinformation and be the revolution we want to see.

It sounds fucking hard, and I think I would struggle but if we think this could be the final fight, then maybe, just maybe, it is worth it. I would hate to be in a squatless London.

It would be like when Franco marched the Fascists down the streets of Barcelona because the people were not united enough.

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