lunedì 23 maggio 2011

:: Germany: Protests against nuclear energy ::

From May 17 till May 19 was a conferenz in Berlin, the so called "Annual Meeting of Atomic Forum". The companys and politicians which maintain nuclear energy came together after the accident in Japan.

This companys are running nuclear power stations:

This company is developing nuclear power stations:

This company is carrying nuclear waste transport:
DEUTSCHE BAHN - german railway company

Some resistance happened against this meeting because this company do not stop the nuclear hazard, they will destroy the world just to make money.
++ 26.april , a car from Vattenfall was burned in Hamburg.
++ 28.april , a car from Deutsche Bahn was burned in Berlin.
++ 29.april , two cars from Vattenfall burned in Hamburg.
++ 14.may , the head office from Vattenfall in Berlin was attacked with stones and paint.
++ 14.may , office from Vattenfall in Berlin attacked with firebomb.
++ 14.may , villa from organizer of this meeting attacked with paintbombs.
++ 16.may , attack with paintbombs against Vattenfall center in Berlin.
++ 17.may , car from Siemens and car from Deutsche Bahn burned in Berlin.
++ 18.may , car from Vattenfall burned in Berlin.
++ 18.may , demonstration against the "Annual Meeting of Atomic Forum".

There will be a train with nuclear waste from France to Gorleben in Germany may be in
November. Riots are expected when this train is coming, like the last 15 years.
Join the anti-nuclear fight against this train! Come to Germany in November - watch out for more information!

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