venerdì 20 maggio 2011

[Dissident Island Radio] Dissident Island Radio - 20/5/11

Hello there

Ready for another awesomely awesome episode of Dissident Island???


We have an interview with the folks from Rossport with updates about their
decade of struggles against Shell.

We have Glynn and some of his friends discussing Open Assembly for the
proposed general strike in London on June 30th.

We have some radical radio makers from Hamburg talking about their
political radio station and their upcoming workshop on voice training this

Along with the usual banter and bluster we'll also have tunes from some of
the DJs playing tomorrow at the Dissident Island benefit hosted by the
hottt Danzschlag team this Saturday night at a secret East London
location. Not RSVP'd yet? Its filling fast so email
and come for dancing, cocktails and other debauched fun times.

And finally, bringing the show to a close we have DJs from the Hamburg
Neopostdadasurrealpunkshow, bringing you a dancetastic mix of punk, nowave
and avant-garde pop fun.



DANZSHLAG is throwing us a party tomorrow! It’s not to late to join in the
fun – with DJs playing Four to the Floor Frag-Beat & Fuck-Step, Pomp &
Quirk, Shlagstomp…it’ll be an intimate party with funds going towards
helping us set-up a permanent studio (a dream after broadcasting for
almost 4 years…)

The party will feature an experimental and charismatic line-up of live
music and DJ’s, visuals and video art in a radical space with a bargain
bar, dissident mojitos, a chill out area. Entry will be a suggested
donation of 2-6 squids. Starts at 6pm. RSVP to or


If you just cant wait til tonight to get some dissident action why not
download our last show

Dissident Island Radio - 6th May 2011

Info on the parliamentary debate on squatting and the recent pamphlet
printed by some Tory about how to deal with squatters.

Audio from Berlin Mayday, popping cars and taking it to the streets.

The triumphant return of HOT TOPIC: AV.

DJ Hue Jah Fink brings us a live set of bass heavy beats.

So clicky clicky on the linky linky:

D*I Radio RSS Feed is here:

To manage your list subscription(s) DIY style go here:

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