Announcing the 17th Annual Anti-Racist Action Network Conference in Chicago, IL
Date: Saturday September 17 from 4pm-10pm
Location: U.E. Hall, 37 South Ashland Ave Chicago, IL (wheelchair accessible, children-friendly, near Ashland green/pink line) $5 suggested donation. After-party after 10pm details TBA.
Conference details at
Chicago is hosting the 17th annual Anti-Racist Action Network conference on September 17, 2001. This event is open to the public and includes workshops, caucuses and discussions. Come meet other activists and organizations involved in community struggles against racist terror and other forms of oppression.
Featured speakers:
Mark Clements (Campaign to End the Death Penalty, Jon Burge torture survivor)
Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn (former SDS and Weather Underground members, authors of Race Course Against White Supremacy)
Michael Novick (LA ARA/People Against Racist Terror)
Kieran, Trisha and XTN (Anti-Racist Action)
More TBA
Anyone who wants to host a workshop, table with literature, or participate in the conference in other ways, please contact us at
For more information please see our website at or email us at
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