lunedì 31 gennaio 2011
lunedì 24 gennaio 2011
28 January CRITICAL MASS London
Critical Mass London
The London monthly rides started in April 1994. It isn't just for cyclists, sometimes there are wheelchairers, skateboarders, roller bladers, roller skaters and other self-propelled people. Cycle sound systems often play music on the ride. To find out more about Critical Mass checkout...
27 to 30 January FUKOFF Fest 2 Angouleme France
Festi-Fukoff #2
Angoulême, France
Thursday, January 27 –Sunday, January 30
For the second time during the Festival International de la Bande Dessinée, underground publishers and artists are gathered together to celebrate alternative comics and off the market books.
Where : 22 rue de l'Arsenal (near the Hotel de ville)
Hours : 10-19h
With : Le Dernier Cri / La Fanzinothèque de Poitiers / Carnival Freaks / Turbo Comix / Fanzin Ceger / Mathieu Desjardins / Gestroco Club /NA/ Les Machines / Anathème /Les Mains Sales / DuCrak / éditions Polystyrène / arqaeda.com / TASTE Y COOL (Frères Guedins + Craoman) / Imagora éditions / Vide cocagne....
domenica 23 gennaio 2011
27 January Kurdistan Solidarity Night @ El Paso Squat Torino Italy
incontri informativi
Dalla guerriglia naxalita nel cuore della foresta indiana alle montagne del Kurdistan o di Euskal Herria, passando per la Palestina, il Mexico e altri luoghi ancora, questa rassegna sulle resistenze in corso, muove dal desiderio di conoscere, ma soprattutto di confrontarci (noialtri, dall'interno di questa orripilante fortezza occidentale) con quelle dinamiche sociali, individuali, umane, che sono fertile terreno di quei variegati percorsi di liberazione e rivolta che animano i focolai di resistenza disseminati su questo pianeta sempre più al collasso.
Non ci interessano i pareri sterili di esperti, teorici e osservatori; daremo ascolto a chi, in prima persona, anche solo per un breve periodo, ha avuto modo di praticare, partecipare, attraversare con passione i luoghi da cui giungono queste storie.
...Rovesciando l'approccio “eurocentrico” che troppo spesso anima chi parla, anche con le migliori intenzioni, delle resistenze lontane dalla “vecchia Europa”. Quasi sempre, infatti, ci si rapporta con esse con un senso, anche inconsapevole, di superiorità: la superiorità di chi pensa di vivere nel cuore dell'Impero, nel posto dove comunque si determinano gli equilibri e dove si fa la storia, guardando dall'alto, facendo fatica a prendere sul serio il “declino dell'Occidente”, il fatto di non essere più il centro del mondo...
Quel poco che siamo riusciti a capire finora, confrontandoci, ad esempio, con la guerriglia naxalita piuttosto che con quella kurda, è che non abbiamo nulla da giudicare o da insegnare.
Comune denominatore di questi incontri, quindi, l'esperienza viva e personale dei narratori; tema centrale e unificante l'autodeterminazione che spinge individui, comunità, popoli,
a difendersi e contrattaccare, in armi o meno,
all'insurrezione e alla resistenza...
El paso e Centro di documentazione Porfido
24 to 30 January World Weekend for the Abolition of Meat
World Week for the Abolition of Meat
World week for the Abolition of Meat: January 24th to 30th, 2011
Action in London, Leicester Square, January 29th at 2pm.
Please join activists worldwide for the World Week for Abolition of
Meat from January 24th to 30th, 2011!
The past world days for the abolition of meat were a huge success. And
as we know that this demand is a very important one we decided to hold
this day on a more regular basis. So since September 2010 actions take
place in the week of the last Saturday of January, May and September.
This means the next action week will be from January 24th to 30th,
On past action days, various events were held in over 50 cities in the
following countries: Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, England, France,
Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, South Africa, Switzerland
and the USA.
Many thanks to all individuals and animal rights groups who raised
their voices for the cause of oppressed animals and expressed the idea
that our societies have to ban the killing of animals for food! It was
really important for us to know that on the same day people in various
places throughout the world were making the same political demand: we
have to stop the mass murder of animals!
We believe it is time to make a public demand for the abolition of
meat, not only 3 weeks a year, but with a growing number of local,
national and international events.
It is also time to bring together our forces and make the suffering of
animals as visible as possible,to declare the goal that must be
discussed publicly in our societies without any taboo: Abolition of
breeding, hunting and fishing.
Let¹s hope that the number of individual actions keeps on growing in
more and more places and the same should apply to our ever-growing
determination, imagination and visibility.
If you plan to organise actions to raise public awareness please let
us know and send your reports to contact(at)meat-abolition.org so that
we can publish them on time.
Please support the movement for the abolition of meat:
If your group decides to support the movement for abolition of meat,
please send us your logo and your web address and we will add them to
the list on our web site. This will enormously help to gain more
public attention and credibility.
Be part of the discussion group:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/meatabolition (international)
http://groups.google.com/group/meat-abolition-uk (UK)
Links :
Contact email: david.partouche@gmail.co
sabato 22 gennaio 2011
venerdì 21 gennaio 2011
giovedì 20 gennaio 2011
22 January STOP GM Gathering London
GM – Gathering Momentum
Anti-GM update, networking and strategy session for grassroots and NGO campaigners
Saturday 22nd January 2011, 10am – 6pm
Central London
The GM threat is gaining momentum: GM test crops are being grown in the UK again, GM food oil is frying our chips and most farm animals are fed GM soya grown on former rainforest land. The ConDems say they're “the most pro-GM government yet”, and Genetic Modification is being repackaged as a magic pill to solve world hunger and climate change.
It's time to act! We're kicking off with a free day long gathering to build links and networks to counter the coming threat: briefings from farmers, scientists and researchers, opportunities to meet and strategise with everyone from Reclaim the Fields activists to NGO representatives, community food growers to radical beekeepers.
The day starts off with sessions on the most recent developments in GM crop science plus ecological farming alternatives put forward by UN researchers. In the afternoon we'll focus on sharing and developing campaign ideas and networking. Campaigns discussed will include: GM animal feed, bees, GM food oil, GM free zone mapping, and there will be plenty of space to share and develop more. There'll also be a strategic discussion on how we can effectively counter misinformation and lobbying.
If you've ever been involved, or ever considered getting involved in GM crop campaigning we'd love you to be there. Please email us for more details.
GM: Gathering Momentum is organised by Stop GM in conjunction with the Genetic Engineering Network.
The free event will be hosted in London from 10 – 6pm, and vegan lunch will be provided.
Stop GM – A network of grassroots resistance
Part of the Genetic Engineering Network
...Friday 21st Jan @ SOUND CIRCUS | 7.30pm | £5.00 Entry |
OFFICER DOWN - Eversham punx
TRASHCAT – Top Notch London Punk’N’Roll
DOUBLE CROSS – Local Punk/Metal Thrashers
THE INCIDERS – Punk to the Hardcore
(on the friday, Reedeemer club night after party, keeping the vibe alive after the bands, open till 2am!)
Saturday 22 nd Jan @ CHAMPIONS VENUE | 3.00pm | £10.00 Entry |
THE RESTARTS – East London punk Rock
THE JUNK – Brass Fuelled Skacore bound to get you moving!”
DISORDER – Bristol crust punk legends back for more
AUTONOMADS – Manchester dub/punks Not to Be Missed!
(First Band starts at 3pm Sharp on the Saturday so please get down there early and support the bands, we also will have Merch Stalls, Info Stands, Pumpkin Records Distro and Raffle!)
Leading us through the night with the mix of big sounds n heavy beats until the early hours Is the
OFFICER DOWN - Eversham punx
TRASHCAT – Top Notch London Punk’N’Roll
DOUBLE CROSS – Local Punk/Metal Thrashers
THE INCIDERS – Punk to the Hardcore
(on the friday, Reedeemer club night after party, keeping the vibe alive after the bands, open till 2am!)
Saturday 22 nd Jan @ CHAMPIONS VENUE | 3.00pm | £10.00 Entry |
THE RESTARTS – East London punk Rock
THE JUNK – Brass Fuelled Skacore bound to get you moving!”
DISORDER – Bristol crust punk legends back for more
AUTONOMADS – Manchester dub/punks Not to Be Missed!
(First Band starts at 3pm Sharp on the Saturday so please get down there early and support the bands, we also will have Merch Stalls, Info Stands, Pumpkin Records Distro and Raffle!)
Leading us through the night with the mix of big sounds n heavy beats until the early hours Is the
martedì 18 gennaio 2011
Every third Friday of the month, doors at 8pm+ @LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street E1 1ES
Every third Friday of the month Dissident Island Radio will be broadcasting live as
the Whitechapel Anarchist Group host a traditional east end knees up in the London
Action Resource Centre (formerly an anarchist school) to bring together the many
HIS IS NOT A MEETING!This is a social event, once a month, for anarchists,
libertarians and radicals to socialise, meet, drink, plot and conspire in a relaxed
atmosphere and good humour.All money raised will go into the upkeep of Larc - a
permanent resource for our movement.
Although this event is called by two groups we do so in the manner that this monthly
event becomes a platform for us all, leaving all the sectarian bullshit at the door
and coming together from across the big smoke on a regular basis in a social
environment. We encourage you to spread these details around all your networks, make
a special space in your diary and hopefully this can become "our" night.
Everyone is welcome.strands of our hydra headed movement in the spirit of the old Jubilee Club.
Every third Friday of the month, doors at 8pm+ @LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street E1 1ES
Every third Friday of the month Dissident Island Radio will be broadcasting live as
the Whitechapel Anarchist Group host a traditional east end knees up in the London
Action Resource Centre (formerly an anarchist school) to bring together the many
HIS IS NOT A MEETING!This is a social event, once a month, for anarchists,
libertarians and radicals to socialise, meet, drink, plot and conspire in a relaxed
atmosphere and good humour.All money raised will go into the upkeep of Larc - a
permanent resource for our movement.
Although this event is called by two groups we do so in the manner that this monthly
event becomes a platform for us all, leaving all the sectarian bullshit at the door
and coming together from across the big smoke on a regular basis in a social
environment. We encourage you to spread these details around all your networks, make
a special space in your diary and hopefully this can become "our" night.
Everyone is welcome.strands of our hydra headed movement in the spirit of the old Jubilee Club.
Riceviamo da www.fermaregreenhill.net
e inoltriamo!
Venerdi 21 Gennaio 2011 - Ore 14:30
Via Civitali 1, Milano
Qualche anno fà la dirigenza della farmaceutica Recordati ebbe il coraggio
di dire che presso i loro laboratori erano cessati gli esperimenti sui
cani. Adesso abbiamo in mano prove che li legano all'allevamento Green
Hill, di cui figurano nella lista dei clienti, e come se non bastasse gli
attivisti dell'ALF hanno salvato recentemente 5 beagle che erano
utilizzati per esperimenti proprio presso questa azienda. Ma non sono solo
cani beagle a morire e soffrire dentro le mura insanguinate di via
Civitali, migliaia di roditori vengono utilizzati per esperimenti di
diverso tipo. La Recordati è una delle tante macabre realtà della
vivisezione presenti a Milano, una delle tante industrie farmaceutiche che
lucrano sulla vita di altri esseri viventi.
Venerdì 21 gennaio saremo di nuovo davanti alla loro sede e ai loro
laboratori. Contro le loro menzogne, alle quali siamo purtroppo abituati,
e contro la tortura di esseri viventi, a cui non ci abitueremo e non ci
rassegneremo mai!
Protesteremo ricordando tutti gli animali morti dentro quelle mura.
Ricordando tutti i cani ancora prigionieri di Green Hill e della mentalità
specista che concepisce fabbriche di animali e laboratori.
Ma lo faremo anche con il piacere di sapere che cinque fortunati individui
sono adesso in buone mani, liberi e felici, e non vedranno mai più nè una
gabbia né un laboratorio!
Per loro e i loro liberatori il nostro sostegno. Per i vivisettori il
nostro sdegno.
Portate fischietti, tamburi, megafoni, striscioni, cartelli e tanta voglia
di urlare la vostra rabbia ai vivisettori!
Se non lo avete già fatto guardate qui le foto dei beagle liberati dalle
torture degli aguzzini della Recordati:
e inoltriamo!
Venerdi 21 Gennaio 2011 - Ore 14:30
Via Civitali 1, Milano
Qualche anno fà la dirigenza della farmaceutica Recordati ebbe il coraggio
di dire che presso i loro laboratori erano cessati gli esperimenti sui
cani. Adesso abbiamo in mano prove che li legano all'allevamento Green
Hill, di cui figurano nella lista dei clienti, e come se non bastasse gli
attivisti dell'ALF hanno salvato recentemente 5 beagle che erano
utilizzati per esperimenti proprio presso questa azienda. Ma non sono solo
cani beagle a morire e soffrire dentro le mura insanguinate di via
Civitali, migliaia di roditori vengono utilizzati per esperimenti di
diverso tipo. La Recordati è una delle tante macabre realtà della
vivisezione presenti a Milano, una delle tante industrie farmaceutiche che
lucrano sulla vita di altri esseri viventi.
Venerdì 21 gennaio saremo di nuovo davanti alla loro sede e ai loro
laboratori. Contro le loro menzogne, alle quali siamo purtroppo abituati,
e contro la tortura di esseri viventi, a cui non ci abitueremo e non ci
rassegneremo mai!
Protesteremo ricordando tutti gli animali morti dentro quelle mura.
Ricordando tutti i cani ancora prigionieri di Green Hill e della mentalità
specista che concepisce fabbriche di animali e laboratori.
Ma lo faremo anche con il piacere di sapere che cinque fortunati individui
sono adesso in buone mani, liberi e felici, e non vedranno mai più nè una
gabbia né un laboratorio!
Per loro e i loro liberatori il nostro sostegno. Per i vivisettori il
nostro sdegno.
Portate fischietti, tamburi, megafoni, striscioni, cartelli e tanta voglia
di urlare la vostra rabbia ai vivisettori!
Se non lo avete già fatto guardate qui le foto dei beagle liberati dalle
torture degli aguzzini della Recordati:
lunedì 17 gennaio 2011
14 January to 5 February Best Safet Needle Matches by Marc Brunier Mestas Marseille France

Marc Brunier-Mestas
Le Dernier Cri presents a compilation of over 200 linocuts by Marc Brunier-Mestas for his exhibition that will take place in Marseille from January 14th to February 5th.
« The etchings of Marc Brunier-Mestas are hybrids and composite bodies that question the definition itself of human nature » ©CACi Istres
©CACi Istres
A-FILMS Collective
20 January @ Victoria Pub Dalston London
January 20th, 2011
First Terminal Cheesesteak night of the New Year brings you a Riot Season-records approved double bill of Ultraphallus and Hey Colossus at the Victoria in Dalston.
Ultraphallus + Hey Colossus + Night Shark
doors 8pm
£3 Entry
@ The Victoria, 451 Queensbridge Road, Dalston E8 3AS
(nearest station Dalston Kingsland or Dalston Junction overgrounds)
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=175714575782499
Ultraphallus - ULTRAPHALLUS formed in Liége, Belgium in 2004, and after a succession of album releases and high profile European tour slots they are back with their third album and a new sound. "Sowberry Hagan" was recorded in just four days in a farm near Liége. The album combines their well-honed sound of cacophonous guitar riffs juxtaposed with hypnotic, ambient doom whilst also experimenting with new sounds. They have certainly pulled out all the stops for "Sowberry Hagan" as they have also recruited the help of special guest Eugene Robinson (Oxbow) who carries his trademark voice for an epic eight minute ambient-rock track. The result is an album more dark and more encompassing as ever before.
"...a grisly new force at large in extreme music" - ROCK-A-ROLLA
"Kiddies, this is one dark experience that irrigates your heart and blasts open your wintertime synapses; one motherfucker of a T R I P, perpetual and ever-unfolding like some ambient panto of Metal Deluge" - JULIAN COPE
Hey Colossus - With a mission of creating "subterranean rumblings of sludgy rock using three guitars" rarely has a band been more appropriately-named than HEY COLOSSUS. HEY COLOSSUS has concocted an utterly crushing sound based on he inspiration of the MELVINS, BLACK FLAG and BLACK SABBATH, and other influences including bands like CAN and BEEFHEART into what sounds like a truckload of distortion pedals falling down a cliff onto a mountain of anvils, just to see how much noise it'll make.
"Combining cyborg-like Krautrock rhythms, the clangorous bass of Killdozer and the howling white noise of Wolf Eyes" - NME
Night Shark - debut gig for these N16 based transients, but you'll probably recognise most of them if you've ever been to the Stoke Newington Wetherspoons. Crash Worship meets Herb Alpert on acid.
+ djs Anthea Thrill Jockey + Heather Catpause
First Terminal Cheesesteak night of the New Year brings you a Riot Season-records approved double bill of Ultraphallus and Hey Colossus at the Victoria in Dalston.
Ultraphallus + Hey Colossus + Night Shark
doors 8pm
£3 Entry
@ The Victoria, 451 Queensbridge Road, Dalston E8 3AS
(nearest station Dalston Kingsland or Dalston Junction overgrounds)
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=175714575782499
Ultraphallus - ULTRAPHALLUS formed in Liége, Belgium in 2004, and after a succession of album releases and high profile European tour slots they are back with their third album and a new sound. "Sowberry Hagan" was recorded in just four days in a farm near Liége. The album combines their well-honed sound of cacophonous guitar riffs juxtaposed with hypnotic, ambient doom whilst also experimenting with new sounds. They have certainly pulled out all the stops for "Sowberry Hagan" as they have also recruited the help of special guest Eugene Robinson (Oxbow) who carries his trademark voice for an epic eight minute ambient-rock track. The result is an album more dark and more encompassing as ever before.
"...a grisly new force at large in extreme music" - ROCK-A-ROLLA
"Kiddies, this is one dark experience that irrigates your heart and blasts open your wintertime synapses; one motherfucker of a T R I P, perpetual and ever-unfolding like some ambient panto of Metal Deluge" - JULIAN COPE
Hey Colossus - With a mission of creating "subterranean rumblings of sludgy rock using three guitars" rarely has a band been more appropriately-named than HEY COLOSSUS. HEY COLOSSUS has concocted an utterly crushing sound based on he inspiration of the MELVINS, BLACK FLAG and BLACK SABBATH, and other influences including bands like CAN and BEEFHEART into what sounds like a truckload of distortion pedals falling down a cliff onto a mountain of anvils, just to see how much noise it'll make.
"Combining cyborg-like Krautrock rhythms, the clangorous bass of Killdozer and the howling white noise of Wolf Eyes" - NME
Night Shark - debut gig for these N16 based transients, but you'll probably recognise most of them if you've ever been to the Stoke Newington Wetherspoons. Crash Worship meets Herb Alpert on acid.
+ djs Anthea Thrill Jockey + Heather Catpause
domenica 16 gennaio 2011
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