martedì 26 ottobre 2010
30 October Genefit Gig live Hip Hop Acts south London area.

HIP-HOP LIVE ACTS from London, San Francisco and Italy to raise money for Italian Antifa
Milan, 16 march 2003, two members of an Antifa group came out of Tipota, a pub frequented by members of leftists groups. Outside 3 fascists were waiting for them with knives, they stabbed them many times, leaving them on the ground. Dax died within a few minutes, the other guy was left with life threatening injuries. Immediately 4 police and carabinieri cars arrived. The street is tight and the cars strategically blocked the paramedics and ambulances getting through. After the guys were finally brought to the hospital, several comrades started moving to the hospital to find it guarded by several cops. Doctors said Dax is dead.
Despair, disbelief and rage....
The cops then provoked us and we push them away,in a few minutes 50 cops and carabinieri arrived and beat everyone in the hospital, militants, friends and citizens. Cops started a man hunt creating chaos in the first aid area and blocked public service. Many people got heavily injured inside the hospital. Cops used baseball bats, iron sticks extended truncheons.
Some people were arrested and charged. At the actual court case there were 4 friends of Dax and 3 cops. The court condemned 2 of the guys to 1 year and 8 months and to pay 10 0000 Euros for the hospital damages although at court the hospital staff confirmed that the damage was done by the cops. The members of the police are totally exempt from any crimes even if initially condemned to to 4 and 7 months of jail. One of the cops was filmed beating up a guy on the floor,the other was seen with a baseball bat.
pass it on!
and be there!!
INFOLINE 07 58 67 69 590
venerdì 22 ottobre 2010
mercoledì 20 ottobre 2010
21 22 23 October 2010 3 Days Against Expulsion in Torino Italy

In vista della Tre giorni contro le espulsioni che si terrà a Torino dal 21 al 23 ottobre 2010, questo sito raccoglie alcuni materiali che possono essere interessanti se stai pensando di partecipare.
L’appello. Innanzitutto, puoi leggere l’appello che spiega le motivazioni di questa tre giorni. Visto che speriamo che l’iniziativa possa interessare a compagni di tutta Europa, l’appello è disponibile in diverse lingue.
Gli articoli. Per farti capire l’impostazione con la quale ci piace partecipare alla lotta contro le espulsioni, e di conseguenza un’idea di quel che vorremmo discutere durante la tre giorni, stiamo raccogliendo e pubblicando un po’ di articoli che descrivono iniziative avvenute in giro per l’Europa in questi ultimi anni e che ci sembrano degne di interesse. Nella prima colonna a destra troverai gli ultimi articoli che sono stati inseriti.
Le categorie. I centri di detenzione per senza-documenti (Cie, Cra, ecc.) possono funzionare solo perché sono al centro di una macchina più vasta e ramificata, con ingranaggi e punti deboli precisi. È proprio per focalizzare l’attenzione sui diversi momenti del funzionamento di questa macchina, e quindi sulle occasioni per incepparla, che abbiamo diviso gli articoli dell’archivio in queste quattro categorie, visibili anche nella barra qui sopra:
Prima del Cie: gli interventi contro le retate e i controlli di documenti, perché sia più difficile finire nei Centri.
Dentro al Cie: la complicità con le lotte e le rivolte nei Centri, perché sia più facile scavalcarne le mura.
Attorno al Cie: le iniziative contro chi vive sul business dei Centri, perché sia più difficile gestirli e costruirli.
Dopo il Cie: all’ultimo minuto, le iniziative per ostacolare i rimpatri.
Le tag. Per aiutarti ad individuare dentro all’archivio idee e spunti di lotta, ogni articolo è contraddistinto da almeno un paio di etichette o “tag” che indicano la lingua in cui è scritto ma soprattutto l’argomento della storia. Se, ad esempio, ti interessano tutti gli articoli scritti in italiano, clicca sulla tag “Italiano” nell’ultima colonna a destra; se ti interessano tutte le storie che riguardano gli aeroporti, clicca su “Aeroporti“, e così via…
La mail. Se hai delle domande riguardo alla tre giorni, o se vuoi mandare dei contributi per questo sito, puoi scriverci all’indirizzo next2010@autistici.org.
Buona lettura, e arrivederci a Torino!
giovedì 14 ottobre 2010
sabato 9 ottobre 2010
mercoledì 6 ottobre 2010
sabato 2 ottobre 2010
PsEee PsEee Newsletter October 2010
PsEee PsEee Newsletter October 2010
@periodical @social
for watch this newsletter you can as well check on
www.wirelessfm.net Forum under Disco Delirium Adventures
At the same address you can contact IL SEME Distro Mobil Squad;
Il Seme is a 20 years old distribution of books, pamphlets, zine, magazine, music and other.
As well Armed Joy Records.
It’s out ACT FOR RAGE! 2 International Compilation Benefit For Anarchist Prisoners. 76 min. with:
-Sswiissh-I Vermi-Kalashnikov-Tear Me Down-Bandiera Dell’Odio-Death Before Work-Cibo-Anxtv
-La Quiete-Zustissia Mala(it)-Sangre-Fleas And Lice(nl)-Ethnopaire-Vomit For Breakfast-Otaku Party
-Geyser(fr)-Hello Bastards-The Joan Od Arc Family-Ethnamorte-Whole In The Head-State Of Urgency
-Ruthless(uk)-A/Narcolepsia(Venezuela)-Nulla Osta(hr)-Pack(ch)-Suckinim Baenaim (Israel)
-Julith Krishun(de)-Easpa Measa(eire)-Afterbirth(Scotland)-Cop De Fona-No Conforme(es)-Rakkaus(fi)
It’s still disponible ACT FOR RAGE! Volume 1.
Soon new Act For Rage! 3.
-- http://actforfreedomnow.blogspot.com/
-- http://sysiphus.angrynewsfromaroundtheworld.blogspot.com/
-- http://325.nostate.net/
--ELEPHANT Editions; BM Elephant. London uk WC1N 3XX
--RADIO BLACKOUT (Torino-it) www.radioblackout.org
--RADIO BRONKA (Barcelona) www.radiobranka.info
--ILLFM. (London) www.illfm.net
--RADIO PATAPOE (Amsterdam) www.freeteam.nl/patapoe/
--WIRELESS FM (London) www.wirelessfm.net
28 to 02.10-Spark festival http://sparkfestival.org/
29 to 03.10-No Border Camp Bruxelles-be
30-Simbiose(pt) and Aggrenation(se) start tour
www.myspace.com/simbiose www.myspace.com/aggrenation
30 to 01.10-Resist Fest Istambul-turkey
30 to 09/10-Aggrenation in tour www.myspace.com/aggrenation
30 to 24/10-Brutal Knight in eurotour www.myspace.com/brutalknights
--Subvert festival (hc/punk) Bristol-uk
--Varia Improvised Music festival www.varia-impro.se/
--Tannaries Squat Anniversary Dijon-fr http://squat.net/tannaries/
--Toon festival Haarlem-nl www.tonfestival.nl
--Maschienen Fest 2010 www.maschinenfest.de www.myspace.com/maschinenfest
--Good Night White Pride Fest Warswawa-pl www.myspace.com/gnwp_fest
--Experimenta Club Madrid-es
--No Border Camp Brussel-be
--Spektro International Experimental Music & Film festival Istambul-turkey www.myspace.com/spektrofest
--La Fanzinotheque Besancos-fr www.pierrefevilleciseaux.com
--6X6 festival San Martino di Secchia-Carpi-Modena-it www.ekidna.or/ www.myspace.com/ekidna.org
--Elevate festival 2010 Graz-at www.elevate.at
--Thrash Fest Timisoara-ro www.myspace.com/thrashfesttm
--Bramia festival Wodzistaw-si
--Mosh It Up festival Krakow-pl www.myspace.com/moshfestival
--LEM Gracia Territori festival Barcelona-es
--Electronic Ping Pong Leipzig-de www.globalnoisemovement.net
--Colour Out of Space festival Brighton-uk
--Net Audio festival Berlin-de
--Dis Patch festival Belgrade-serbia www.myspace.com/dis_patch
--Dark Halloween Fest Lyon-fr www.myspace.com/darkhalloweenfest
--Kvitnu Fest Kyiv-ukraine http://kvitnu.com/fest/ www.myspace.com/detilizvuku
--Illustrative International festival of Contemporary Illustration and Graphics
arts Berlin-de www.illustrative.de/festival www.myspace.com/illustrative
--De-Sonanz festival Skopje-macedonia www.myspace.com/desonanzfestival
--Hard Pork Fest 2010 Angouleme-fr www.myspace.com/hardporkfest
--Soy Fest 2010 Nantes-fr www.myspace.com/festivalsoy
--Extortion (hc/punk/thrash australia) in europe www.myspace.com/extortionextortion
--Uzoni eurotour www.myspace.com/uzonicrossover
--Despite Everything (punk crust from Greece) tour www.myspace.com/despiteeverything
--Suicide Pride in tour www.myspace.com/suicidepridehc
--Movie Star Junkies in tour www.myspace.com/moviestarjunkies
--Yuppicide in Europe
--Far From Finished and Burning Streets in Europe
--Tragedy from us in Europe
30.09 to 18.10-Autonomads in tour www.myspace.com/theautonomads
01-Weekend Nachos-Cyness-Wojczech live at Potsdam-de
01-Seein Red fest (hc/punk) Vreden-de www.myspace.com/seeinredfest
01-F*Ckin’Beat Fest Bruxelles-be
01-Leipziger Jazztage Leipzig-de www.myspace.com/broetzmannpliakaswertmueller
01-Ich Bin Ein festival Berlin-de www.myspace.com/ichbineinberlinerfestival
01-Mad Pigs start eurotour www.myspace.com/madpigs
01-GxFxTx and Brosiled start tour www.myspace.com/gxfxtx www.myspace.com/brosiled
01/02-Bloodshed Fest Eindhoven-nl www.myspace.com/bloodshedfest
01/02-Rock Fellah Rock 3 St. Hilaire De Loulay-fr www.myspace.com/rockfellahrock2
http://ainurecords.free.fr/ www.myspace.com/ainurecords
01/02-Pain In The Neck Fest Dusseldorf-de www.myspace.com/ak47_kiefern
01/02-Etangabeko Zarata Fest Donasti-Euskadi www.myspace.com/salamogambo
0102/03-Pull My Finger festival Northampton-uk
01 to 16-Disparo eurotour www.myspace.com/losdisparo
01 to 17-Long Dong Silver eurotour www.myspace.com/longdongsilvermadness
01 to 17-Ceremony and Sebertooth Zombie European Tour www.ceremonyhc.com
01 to 17-Evakuate (us) European tour www.myspace.com/evacuatepunks
01 to 24-Weekend Nachos eurotour http://weekendnachos.bigcartel.com/ www.myspace.com/weekendnachos
01 to 24-GxFxTx European Tour www.myspace.com/gxfxtx
01 to 26-Disparo (es) in Tour www.myspace.com/losdisparo
02-Summer Forever 2 festival (hc/punk) Ibbenburen-de www.myspace,com/patsyohara
02-Unhappy Kraut Day Hannover-de www.myspace.com/zouschgrrrls
02-Way Of Darkness Lichentenfelds-de
02-Smash It Up Fest (hc/punk) Dresden-de
02-Progpower Europe Limburg-nl
02-Punk Is Not Dead Part 10 festival Eberswalde-de
02-Loches En Grind Fest Loches-fr
02-Suma Fest (hc/punk) Fuenlabrada-es www.myspace.com/bailaorninja
02-Kogelf Fest 2010 Gotenburg-se www.myspace.com/kolonigbg
02-0 Fest (hc/punk) Neumunster-de www.myspace.com/eskatologia
02-Support Your Scene festival (hc/punk) Finsterwalde-de www.myspace.com/invitropunk
02/03-Crossbones Fest (hc/punk) Austria
02 to 16.10- eurotour for Protestant www.myspace.com/protesantmilwaukee
03-Kat Vipers-Moose Factory-Snarkel live at the George Tavern-Commercial Rd.-Shadwell-London
03-Traktor and more live in London www.myspace.com/traktorbiz
03-Crane Music Fest Macedonia www.myspace.com/boilingpointkumanovo
03 to 11-The Afternoon Gentleman in tour www.myspace.com/theafternoongentleman
04-Noise Factory Workshop 2010 Anmelduns-de www.myspace.com/n-f-w www.myspace.com/ytong
04 to 14-Night Fever in tour www.myspace.com/nightfever69
05 to 21-Destino Final from spain in tour www.myspace.com/guerraemicabeza
06-A Storm Of Light-Sedula and Sons Of Alpha Centauri live at the Underworld-London
06 to 18- Ufomammut in tour www.myspace.com/ufomammut
06 to 31-Digital Leather (us) European Tour
07-One Man Nation live in London www.onemannation.com
08-Crossbone Fest (hc/punk) Houthden Linburg-be www.myspace.com/wormfeed
08-Fastcore Fiesta Zdar Nad Zazavou-cz www.myspace.com/wojczech13
08-Boem Tik Fest 2010 in Goes-nl www.myspace.com/boemtikbirthdayfest
08/09-AGH Jubilaums Feierlickkeiten zum 17 Kopi Squat Berlin-de
08/09-Wear Your Bandana Fest (hc/punk) La Spezia-it www.myspace.com/rdamayday
08/09-Libero Ritorno HC Punk fest at the CSOA Ex Mattatoio-Perugia-it
08/09-Subvert Fest 2010 (hc/punk) in Bristol-uk http://bastardsquadcollective.wordpress.com/
08/09-Drag Attack festival Liege-be www.myspace.com/lezoneliege
08/09/10-17 Jahre AGH at the Kopi squat Berlin
08/09/10-Gegen Kultur 2010 in Schwerte-de www.myspace.com/rattenloch
08 to 16-Union Of Sleep in tour www.myspace.com/unionofsleep
08 tyo 17-Herbst Tour www.myspace.com/krawehlkrawehl
08 to 31-Monozid Eastern Europe Tour www.myspace.com/monozid
08 to 01/11-Plague Mass in tour www.myspace.com/plaguemass
09-Coke Bust and more live in London www.cokebust.com www.myspace.com/cokebust
09-Mosh Down festival part 4 www.myspace.com/moshdownfestival
09-Good Night White Pride Fest Warszawa-pl www.myspace.com/gnwp_fest
09-Grindcore Brigade Oberberg Fest Gummersbach-de www.myspace.com/keitzer
09-Around the Boudoir chapter 2 Bordeaux-fr www.myspace.com/kulturenoir
09-This Is Europe festival (hc/punk) Arnhem-nl www.myspace.com/thisiseuropefest
09-Punk Im Herbst Neustadt-de www.myspace.com/punkimherbst
09-Summer’s End Glouchester-uk
09-Body Fest Stockholm-se www.bodyfest.se
09-Morphonic Lab Festival Dresden-de www.morphoniclab.de
09/10-Denovali Swing Fest 2010 www.myspace.com/denovali www.denovali.com/swingfest
09/10-Tattoo Convention Nantes-fr www.myspace.com/conventionnantes
09 to 31-Sleeping In Gethesemane European Tour www.myspace.com/sleepingingethesemane
10-Krach Fest (hc/punk) Gieszer16-Leipzig-de www.gieszer16.org www.myspace.com/gieszer16
10-Abused Musik Antwerp-be
10-Rock Your Mind Fest hc/punk Middlesbrough-uk www.myspace.com/drunkinhell
10 to 15-Wildscreen festival www.wildscreenfestival.org/
11-Mondau Sucks But Not This vol. III Decin-cz www.myspace.com/gxfxtx
12-Berlin Sanity vol. Berlin-de www.myspace.comcoupdeetat
12 to 16-Punk Tober Fest in Glasgow-Scotland www.myspace.com/thewreckingpit
12 to 22-Native Spirit Film Festival London-uk www.nativespiritfoundation.org
13-Git Some and more live at the Old Blue Last-London www.gitsome.org
14-Ufomammut (it) live in Kingston-uk www.myspace.com/ufomammut
14 to 24-Kolyma eurotour www.myspace.com/kolymadk
14 to 27-Obits in tour www.myspace.com-obitsband
15-Destino Final-Firmeza 10-Shitty Limits live in London www.myspace.com/guerraenmigabeza
15-Heirs (aus)-Blueneck live at the Unicorn London free gig
15-Triplex festival Leiden-nl
15-Kick Ass festival (hc/punk) Leuven-be
15-A Scream In The Dark festival Copenhagen-dk
15-Kick Ass Fest in Leuven-be www.myspace.com/rashattackyo
15-Campagne Birthday Fest in Lublin-pl www.myspace.com/tektura
15-MTAE Fest Bradford-uk www.myspace.com/hammers625
15/16-Feirwerw 18 Jahre Munchen-de
15/16-Fuck Off festival Eisenach-de www.myspace.com/fuckoff-punkkonzert
15/16-HC Punk Fest Against Polive Violence Goutte D’Eau Valle D’Aspe-fr
15/16/17- Means To An End 6 festival (hc/punk) Bradford-uk
www.myspace.com/meanstoanendfestival www.1in12.com
15 to 28-Reflections Of Internal Pain in tour www.myspace.com/reflectionsofinternalpain
15 to 02.11-Tragedy in European Tour
16-Ceremony-Unbroken-Rot In Hell-Disembodied-Ritual-Abolition live at the ULU London
16-alldayer Noise Gig at the Windmill Brixton London 3pm to 2am £ 6
16-Hardcore Fest (hc/punk) Antwerp-be
16-Fuck Off festival (hc/punk) Eisenach-de
16-Vasteras City Riot (hc/punk) Vasteras-se www.myspace.com/sistasekunden
16-Fest’Rock Movy(60)-fr www.myspace.com/punishyourself
16-Ritm & Campas Madrid-es www.myspace.com/dishammer
16-Think Twice Fest (hc/punk) Hagen-de www.myspace.com/trainwrecks
16-Up And Down festival (hc/punk) Montpellier-fr
16-Fuck Off Festival Eisenach-de www.myspace.com-fridaynightkids
16-Vulgar Fest Manduria near Taranto-it www.myspace.com/tsub0
16-Festival Du Feu St. lys near Toulouse-fr www.myspace.com/kartierlibreasso
16 to 20-Plague Mass and Crocus uk tour www.myspace.com/plaguemass www.myspace.com/crocusband
17-Vegalite Brno-cz
17 to 24-Weekend Nachos and Cyness uktour www.myspace.com/weekendnachos
17 to 24-Unsound festival Krakow-Minsk www.unsound.pl www.myspace.com/unsoundfestival
18-Destino Final and more live in London www.myspace.com/guerraenmicabeza
19-Weekend Nachos-Cyness-Wojzech-The Afternoon Gentleman and more live at the Grosvenor London
19-Rapsod Human Steak and more live at the Ryans Bar Stoke Newington London
19-Arabrot start eurotour www.myspace.com/arabrot
20-Arabrot-Poino-Dethscalator live at the Other Gallery Stoke Newigton-London
20-Le Scrawl and more live at the AZ Conni-Dresden-de www.myspace.com/lescrawlofficial
20 to 24-L.U.F.F. Lausanne Underground Film and Music Festival Lausanne.ch http://luff.ch/
21-SWN festival Cardiff-wales
21-Gun Outfit live in London-uk www.postpresentmedium.com/gun_outfit
21/22/23-Impossible Fest 2010 Sofia-bg www.myspace.com/monozid
21 to 24-Nodutgang festivalen Nordland-no www.myspace.com/nodutgangfestivalen
21 to 26-Gun Outfit uktour www.postsentmedium.com/gun_outfit
22-Enzo B Day Show at the Deathdrop Squat London www.myspace.com/deathdropsquat
22-HC Punk Gig at the Rat Star Squat in Camberwell-London www.myspace.com/agnosy
22-ZombieTown festival (hc/punk) Koblenz-de www.myspace.com/sidetrackpunx
22-Divaldlo pod Lampou Pilsen-cz www.podlampau.cz
22-Dirty Witch Fest 5 Lyon-fr www.myspace.com/dirtywitchrecords
22-Hell Is Here festival Weimar-de www.myspace.com/burymysins
22/23-Adipocire Fest IX Praha-cz
22/23/24-Supersonic festival Birmingham-uk www.supersonicfestival.com
22 to 07.11-Sugartown Cabaret fron fr in tour www.myspace.com/sugartowncabaret
23-London Anarchist Bookfair 2010 www.anarchistbookfair.org.uk
23-Seein’Red-Extortion-Citizens Patrol-Reproach-Grinding Halt live in Utrecht-nl
23-HC FEST 2010 Warszawa-pl www.myspace.com/refuserecords
23-Screamo Disco Haus Fest Linz-at www.ann-and-pat.at
23-Make Punk A Threat Again fest Cottbus-de www.myspace.com/forliberation
23-Adipocire Fest IX Praha-cz www.exitchmelnice.cz
23-2 Hard 2 Furious Krakow-pl
23-Farm Fest Bree-be www.myspace.com/sunpower
23-Eastfrisian Gore Fest Moomeland-de
23-O Les Choeurs Festival Tulle-fr www.myspace.com/aucan
23-Ann And Pat Screamo Disco Haus Fest Linz-at
www.cateyebooking.com www.myspace.com/cateyebooking
23-Teriaki festival Le Mans-fr www.myspace.com/electricelectricband
23-Drago festival Nantes-fr www.myspace.com/fordamage
23-Michto festival Nancy-fr www.myspace.com/madamemacario
23-HC Punk Festival in Wijlen-be www.myspace.com/brutalknights
23-Underground festival (hc/punk) Vicenza-it www.myspace.com/despiteeverything
23-Surf Rama Fest Madrid-es
23-Musikadonf festival Orchies-fr www.myspace.com/leschefs
23/24-Live Evil Festival London www.myspace.com/liveevilfestival
24-Hellfire festival Milton Keynes-uk www.myspace.com-coldsnaphc
24 to 28-Zeni Geva and Ruins in uk tour
25-Anni Buttati Via Festival Torchiera Squat Milano-it
26-Cast Thy Eyes & Antigua Y Barbuda start euro tour www.muspace.com/castthyeyes
28-Noise=Noise n. 23 at the Woodmill-Bermondsy-london-uk
28-Rockmotives festival Paris-fr www.myspace.cvom/madamemacarion
28-Luft Gitarren festival (hc/punk) Tubingen-de www.myspace.com/diyshows
29-Fat Fest Linkoping-se
29-Bar La Muerte Fest Milano-it
29-Zhark vs. Praxis Party in Arnhem-de www.zhark.org
29/30/31-Gare Au Gorille Fest 2 in Epinal-fr www.myspace.com/lesvoyageursduson
29/30 and 1/11-Despite Everything uk shows www.myspace.com/despiteeverything
30-Bar La Muerte Fest Torino-it
30-Deathskulls live in London www.myspace.com/deathskulls
30-Straight Jacket Nation and more live in London-uk http://bigtakeover.co.uk/
30-Zhark vs. Praxis Halloween Party Tilburg-nl http://praxis.c8.com/ www.zhark.org
30-Batschkapp Frankfurt-de www.batschkapp.de www.electronicdanceart.de
30-DB’S Utrecht-nl www.myspace.com/wwghd
30-Halloween of Doom Darmstadt-de www.myspace.com/walkingonplanks
30-Bracara Extreme Fest 2010 Panoias-pt www.myspace.com/moho666
30-Zikapontium festival Portarlier-fr www.myspace.com/marvinband
31-Bar La Muerte Fest Romini-it
31-3th edition of Gothique Eurydice festival Pfaffenhoffen-Alsace-fr
31-Mundo Idiota festival spain www.myspace.com/festivalmundoidiota
-- Intersquat festival http://festivalfou.blogspot.com/
--Undisciplinary festival www.myspace.com/indisciplinaire
--Folk Artshow Bremen-de www.folk-artshow.de
--7th Antifa Fest Pula-hr www.myspace.com/antifafestpula www.antifa-fest.20m.com
--Reclaim Our Culture festival (hc/punk) www.reclaim-our-culture.com
--Noise Central festival Utrecht-nl www.myspace.com/noise_central_festival
--Castelli Animati 16th edition Roma-it
--Buda Hardcore Fest Bods-no www.myspace.com/dominicdyb
--Dromosphere festival Poznan-pl
--Platforma Video festival Athens-gr www.myspace.com/platformavideo
--Kwark 2010 Eindhoven-nl www.kwarkrecords.tk/ www.myspace.com/kwarlrecords
--Apostazja Fest 4 Poznan-pl www.apostazja.serpent.com.pl/ www.myspace.com/apostazjafestival
--Nu Music festival Stavanger-no www.numusic.no/
--Drotanya festival Budapest-hu www.myspace.com/brutanyafest
--Paysages Electroniques festival Llle-fr www.myspace.com/paysages
--Neuro Fest San Martino Secchia di Carpi-Modena-it www.myspace.com/neurofest
--Soli festival (hc/punk) Juz Mannheim-de
--Dis Patch festival Belgrade-serbia www.myspace.com/dis_patch
--New!New! Festival www.newnew.cz/ www.myspace.com/newnewfest
--Night Klebard festival III Grenoble-fr www.myspace.com/nightklebard
--Kinodance International Film Dance festival St. Petersburg-ru www.uralncca.ru/english
--London International festival of Exploratory Music www.lifem.org.uk www.myspace.com/lifem09
--November Fest (hc/punk) Sweden www.myspace.com/lkpghc
--Nux Vomica (punk/crust us) in europe www.myspace.com/nuxvomica2
--Coliseum and Bison BC in europe
01-Vegan World Day www.worldveganday.org/
04 to 08-Wroclaw Industrial festival Wroclaw-pl
www.industrialart.eu/festival www.myspace.com/wroclawindustrialfestival
04 to 21-Drip Of Lies in tour www.myspace.com/dripoflies
from 05- Art Shake festival Berlin-de http://artshakefestival.blogspot.com/
05-Mitropa Keller Eisenberg-de www.myspace.com/zoschgrrrls
05-Armed Response Unit start euro tour www.myspace.comthearmedresponseunit
05-HC Punk fest in Valtellina-it www.myspace.com/theinfartoscheisse
05-Maschinen Fest 2010 Oberhausen-de www.myspace.com/maschinenfest
05/06-Stumpf festival 10 years anniversary (hc/punk) Hannover-de www.myspace.com/stumpfhannover
05/06-Zivilcourage IV festival Marbach-de www.myspace.com/zivilcourage
05/06-Kielowatt festival Kiel-de www.myspace.com/dremufuestias
06-Hard Tek Night at the Lord Papier Hackney Wick London
06-For All The Cows festival Lustenau-at www.myspace.com/blckws
06-Boozey Du Fest Leeds-uk
06-Teenitus festival Erfurt-de www.myspace.com/electricelectricband
06-Angry Youth festival (hc/punk) Essen-de
06-MAD festival Doudi-fr
06/07-Hash Your Patch Fest (hc/punk) Vastavirta-Tampere-fi
07-Gothmodel Treffen Bochum-de www.myspace.com/incubite
07-Dead Rat Orchestra live at the George Tavern-Commercial Road London www.myspace.com/deadratorchestra
07-CTW Fest Cantembury-Kent-uk www.myspace.com/neveragainxxx
07 to 04/12-Coliseum in eurotour http://coliseumsoundsystem.com/ www.myspace.com/coliseum
08 to 30-Parasytic us in Europe (Despotic Records)
09-Forbidden festival Murcia-es www.myspace.com/farnhate
10-Trash War mit Hippycore in Munster-de www.myspace.com/otthc
10 to 14-Wroclaw Industrial festival Wroclaw-pl
www.industrialart.eu/festival www.myspace.com/wroclawindustrialfestival
10 to 14-Podwodny Wroclaw Wroclaw-pl www.myspace.compodwodnywroclaw
11-Warning/Warning and more live in London http://punkislove.free.fr/
11/12Punk Attack II Fest Erfurt-de www.myspace.com/ajzerfurt
11/12/13-Warning/Warning from France in uk http://punkislove.free.fr/
12-Fusonica festival Barcelona-es
12-Le petite Invite Les Nuits Sonores festival Toulouse-fr www.myspace.com/carcueil
12/13-Narcolaptic live in London www.myspace.com/narcolaptic
12 to 27-Wehrmacht European Tour
12 to 29-Henry Fonda in tour www.myspace.com/henryfondapowerviolence
13-March Of Violets live at the Slimelight London
13-Goremaggeddon IV Gorlitz-de www.myspace.com/goremageddonfestival
13-Bad Taste Karneval Party de www.myspace.com/makondelocation
13-Topperhouse Festival Steinbruch-de www.myspace.com/topperhousecollective
13-Phobos Lab Festival Wuppental-de www.myspace.com/phobosfestival
13-Goremageddon IX festival Gorlitz-de
13-start euro tour for American Cheeseburger (hc/punk/thrash) www.myspace.com/cheeseburgersrule
16-East Trash Fest (hc/punk/thrash) Dresden-de www.myspace.com/wifagena
17-Death Disco at the 21 Notting Hill Gate W11 3JQ London www.myspace.com/thejohnsons01
17-Battantes! Festival Nantes-fr www.myspace.com/madamemacario
17 to 20-Entrails and Gorefest in Germany www.myspace.com/fda-rokotz
17 to 06.12-Burning Love eurotour www.myspace.com/burninglovers
17 to 12.12-uk and eire tour for Action Beat www.myspace.com/actionbeat
18 to 21-Piksel 2010 www.piksel.no
19-Tv Buddhas and more live in London www.myspace.com/tvbuddhas
19-The Rita-Filty Turd-Voltigeurs and more live at the Grosvenor-Stockwell Lodon
19/20-Frauen Fest Linz-at www.ann-and-pat.at
19 to 22-“OUT OF CONTROL” Activist Meeting Against the European Security Architecture
Southern Germany.
20-Mono No Aware and Dirty K live at the Slimelight London
20-New Media Meeting Norkoepping-de www.myspace.com/incitefm
20-Frauen Fest at the Ann And pat-Linz-at www.ann-and-pat.at
20-DIY Alldayer in Leeds-uk www.myspace.com/deathpodal
20-Doom Over Leipzig Leipzig-de www.myspace.com/blckws
21-Festival Du Voyage Solidaire in Toulouse-fr www.myspace.com/olibanum
23-Don Vito live in London www.donvitodonvito.de www.myspace.com/donvitorockt
25/26/27-Culturs Bar Bars festival fr www.myspace.com/jmtachon
26-Der Cult Nurnbereg-de
26/27-Electro Mechanica festival St.Petersburg-ru www.kuryokhin.ru
27-K 4 festaal www.myspace.com/musikverein
27-Znur Fest (hc/punk) Chelm 1-pl www.myspace.com/szopowecrew
27-Sofia Brutal Balkan fest Sofia-bg
27/28-Punk Rock Alarm Lubeck-de
28-TDON 6 Fest in London www.myspace.com/enfocerhc
28/29-By Lem festiwalen www.bylemfestiwalen.bo.pl
--Beartown Hardcore Fest (hc/punk) Dori-fi www.myspace.com/beartownhardcorefest
--BIM Fest Antwerp-be www.bimfest.be www.myspace.com/bimfest
--Xmass Hardcore Super Bowl Fest Budapest-hu www.myspace.com/station80hc
--Next festival Bratislava-sk www.nextfestival.sk www.myspace.com/nextfestival
--Beartown Hardcore festival (hc/punk) Pori-fi www.myspace.com/beartownhardcorefest
02-Anti child League-Skat Injector and more live at the Grosvenor-Stockwell-london
www.myspace.com/antichildleague www.myspace.comskatinjectr
03-La Singe Blanc start tour www.lasingeblanc.org
03/04/05-Sons Of Vesta Fest (hc/punk) Arezzo-it
www.sonsofvesta.it www.myspace.com/sonsofvesta
03/04/05-ATP festival Butling-Minehead-uk
04-Thrash The Thrash Fest de www.myspace.com-ss20hc
04.XMass Hardcore Super Bowl part 4 Budapest-hu www.myspace.com/crippledfoxhc
04-Crust Fest www.myspace.com/walkingtonplanks
04-Burning Ice Fest Monchengladbach-de www.myspace.com/smileandburnpunk
04-50 Jahre Punkrock Geburstagsparty!!! Erfurt-de www.myspace.com/ajzerfurt
04-Dead City Crust Fest Augsburg-de www.myspace.com/deadcityconcerts
04-Book Yer Ane Fest Dundee-scotland
05-ThrashFest tour 2010 de
07-Death Moroz Action Fest Chisinau-Moldova www.myspace.com/thearsonproject
10-Antifascist Rock Action festival Esslingen-de
11-killed By Brno Fest 2010 Brno-cz (hc/punk) www.myspace.com/seeyouinhellthrash
11-Santa Mosh Olten-ch www.myspace.com/poorizon
11-Hardcore Winter Fest vol. 7 (hc/punk) Epplehaus-Tubingen-de
www.myspace.com/epplehaus1 www.myspace.com/diyshows
12-Free Mind Fest (hc/punk) Nowy Sacz-pl www.myspace.com/biggerhalfns
12-Matrix Bochum-de
15-HC Punk Show in London http://bigtakeover.co.uk/
17-Hard Skin and more live at the Grosvenor Stockwell London
17-positively Negative Fest (hc/punk) Athens-gr www.myspace.com/ruinedfamilies
18-Satan Klaus Metal Party in Bucharest-ro www.myspace.com/thearsonproject
18-Reproach 10 Years Anniversary Show in Neerpelt-be www.myspace.com/reproach666
19-Ball der gesche i terten existenzen at the Gieszer16-Leipzig-de
www.myspace.com/gieszer16 www.myspace.com/netlabel_g16
24-Cyness 10 Years Anniversary Show Potsdam-de
http://twitter.com/cyness www.myspace.com/cyness
25-GTR VI Smoking Rock Crew Grafenhainichen-de www.myspace.com/makondelocation
26-International Pizza Punk Day London www.myspace.com/internationalpizzapunkday
26-Weihhachts festival Flensburg-de www.myspace.com/dremufuestias
28-Live Fast Fest (hc/punk) in Raesfeld-de www.myspace.com/livefastfest
31-Fuck New Year’s eve Fest a lot of bands at the Koevoet Squat-Antwerp-be
31-New Year with Detroit Techno Militia Scauri-it www.myspace.com/eatbeatparty
@periodical @social
for watch this newsletter you can as well check on
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As well Armed Joy Records.
It’s out ACT FOR RAGE! 2 International Compilation Benefit For Anarchist Prisoners. 76 min. with:
-Sswiissh-I Vermi-Kalashnikov-Tear Me Down-Bandiera Dell’Odio-Death Before Work-Cibo-Anxtv
-La Quiete-Zustissia Mala(it)-Sangre-Fleas And Lice(nl)-Ethnopaire-Vomit For Breakfast-Otaku Party
-Geyser(fr)-Hello Bastards-The Joan Od Arc Family-Ethnamorte-Whole In The Head-State Of Urgency
-Ruthless(uk)-A/Narcolepsia(Venezuela)-Nulla Osta(hr)-Pack(ch)-Suckinim Baenaim (Israel)
-Julith Krishun(de)-Easpa Measa(eire)-Afterbirth(Scotland)-Cop De Fona-No Conforme(es)-Rakkaus(fi)
It’s still disponible ACT FOR RAGE! Volume 1.
Soon new Act For Rage! 3.
-- http://actforfreedomnow.blogspot.com/
-- http://sysiphus.angrynewsfromaroundtheworld.blogspot.com/
-- http://325.nostate.net/
--ELEPHANT Editions; BM Elephant. London uk WC1N 3XX
--RADIO BLACKOUT (Torino-it) www.radioblackout.org
--RADIO BRONKA (Barcelona) www.radiobranka.info
--ILLFM. (London) www.illfm.net
--RADIO PATAPOE (Amsterdam) www.freeteam.nl/patapoe/
--WIRELESS FM (London) www.wirelessfm.net
28 to 02.10-Spark festival http://sparkfestival.org/
29 to 03.10-No Border Camp Bruxelles-be
30-Simbiose(pt) and Aggrenation(se) start tour
www.myspace.com/simbiose www.myspace.com/aggrenation
30 to 01.10-Resist Fest Istambul-turkey
30 to 09/10-Aggrenation in tour www.myspace.com/aggrenation
30 to 24/10-Brutal Knight in eurotour www.myspace.com/brutalknights
--Subvert festival (hc/punk) Bristol-uk
--Varia Improvised Music festival www.varia-impro.se/
--Tannaries Squat Anniversary Dijon-fr http://squat.net/tannaries/
--Toon festival Haarlem-nl www.tonfestival.nl
--Maschienen Fest 2010 www.maschinenfest.de www.myspace.com/maschinenfest
--Good Night White Pride Fest Warswawa-pl www.myspace.com/gnwp_fest
--Experimenta Club Madrid-es
--No Border Camp Brussel-be
--Spektro International Experimental Music & Film festival Istambul-turkey www.myspace.com/spektrofest
--La Fanzinotheque Besancos-fr www.pierrefevilleciseaux.com
--6X6 festival San Martino di Secchia-Carpi-Modena-it www.ekidna.or/ www.myspace.com/ekidna.org
--Elevate festival 2010 Graz-at www.elevate.at
--Thrash Fest Timisoara-ro www.myspace.com/thrashfesttm
--Bramia festival Wodzistaw-si
--Mosh It Up festival Krakow-pl www.myspace.com/moshfestival
--LEM Gracia Territori festival Barcelona-es
--Electronic Ping Pong Leipzig-de www.globalnoisemovement.net
--Colour Out of Space festival Brighton-uk
--Net Audio festival Berlin-de
--Dis Patch festival Belgrade-serbia www.myspace.com/dis_patch
--Dark Halloween Fest Lyon-fr www.myspace.com/darkhalloweenfest
--Kvitnu Fest Kyiv-ukraine http://kvitnu.com/fest/ www.myspace.com/detilizvuku
--Illustrative International festival of Contemporary Illustration and Graphics
arts Berlin-de www.illustrative.de/festival www.myspace.com/illustrative
--De-Sonanz festival Skopje-macedonia www.myspace.com/desonanzfestival
--Hard Pork Fest 2010 Angouleme-fr www.myspace.com/hardporkfest
--Soy Fest 2010 Nantes-fr www.myspace.com/festivalsoy
--Extortion (hc/punk/thrash australia) in europe www.myspace.com/extortionextortion
--Uzoni eurotour www.myspace.com/uzonicrossover
--Despite Everything (punk crust from Greece) tour www.myspace.com/despiteeverything
--Suicide Pride in tour www.myspace.com/suicidepridehc
--Movie Star Junkies in tour www.myspace.com/moviestarjunkies
--Yuppicide in Europe
--Far From Finished and Burning Streets in Europe
--Tragedy from us in Europe
30.09 to 18.10-Autonomads in tour www.myspace.com/theautonomads
01-Weekend Nachos-Cyness-Wojczech live at Potsdam-de
01-Seein Red fest (hc/punk) Vreden-de www.myspace.com/seeinredfest
01-F*Ckin’Beat Fest Bruxelles-be
01-Leipziger Jazztage Leipzig-de www.myspace.com/broetzmannpliakaswertmueller
01-Ich Bin Ein festival Berlin-de www.myspace.com/ichbineinberlinerfestival
01-Mad Pigs start eurotour www.myspace.com/madpigs
01-GxFxTx and Brosiled start tour www.myspace.com/gxfxtx www.myspace.com/brosiled
01/02-Bloodshed Fest Eindhoven-nl www.myspace.com/bloodshedfest
01/02-Rock Fellah Rock 3 St. Hilaire De Loulay-fr www.myspace.com/rockfellahrock2
http://ainurecords.free.fr/ www.myspace.com/ainurecords
01/02-Pain In The Neck Fest Dusseldorf-de www.myspace.com/ak47_kiefern
01/02-Etangabeko Zarata Fest Donasti-Euskadi www.myspace.com/salamogambo
0102/03-Pull My Finger festival Northampton-uk
01 to 16-Disparo eurotour www.myspace.com/losdisparo
01 to 17-Long Dong Silver eurotour www.myspace.com/longdongsilvermadness
01 to 17-Ceremony and Sebertooth Zombie European Tour www.ceremonyhc.com
01 to 17-Evakuate (us) European tour www.myspace.com/evacuatepunks
01 to 24-Weekend Nachos eurotour http://weekendnachos.bigcartel.com/ www.myspace.com/weekendnachos
01 to 24-GxFxTx European Tour www.myspace.com/gxfxtx
01 to 26-Disparo (es) in Tour www.myspace.com/losdisparo
02-Summer Forever 2 festival (hc/punk) Ibbenburen-de www.myspace,com/patsyohara
02-Unhappy Kraut Day Hannover-de www.myspace.com/zouschgrrrls
02-Way Of Darkness Lichentenfelds-de
02-Smash It Up Fest (hc/punk) Dresden-de
02-Progpower Europe Limburg-nl
02-Punk Is Not Dead Part 10 festival Eberswalde-de
02-Loches En Grind Fest Loches-fr
02-Suma Fest (hc/punk) Fuenlabrada-es www.myspace.com/bailaorninja
02-Kogelf Fest 2010 Gotenburg-se www.myspace.com/kolonigbg
02-0 Fest (hc/punk) Neumunster-de www.myspace.com/eskatologia
02-Support Your Scene festival (hc/punk) Finsterwalde-de www.myspace.com/invitropunk
02/03-Crossbones Fest (hc/punk) Austria
02 to 16.10- eurotour for Protestant www.myspace.com/protesantmilwaukee
03-Kat Vipers-Moose Factory-Snarkel live at the George Tavern-Commercial Rd.-Shadwell-London
03-Traktor and more live in London www.myspace.com/traktorbiz
03-Crane Music Fest Macedonia www.myspace.com/boilingpointkumanovo
03 to 11-The Afternoon Gentleman in tour www.myspace.com/theafternoongentleman
04-Noise Factory Workshop 2010 Anmelduns-de www.myspace.com/n-f-w www.myspace.com/ytong
04 to 14-Night Fever in tour www.myspace.com/nightfever69
05 to 21-Destino Final from spain in tour www.myspace.com/guerraemicabeza
06-A Storm Of Light-Sedula and Sons Of Alpha Centauri live at the Underworld-London
06 to 18- Ufomammut in tour www.myspace.com/ufomammut
06 to 31-Digital Leather (us) European Tour
07-One Man Nation live in London www.onemannation.com
08-Crossbone Fest (hc/punk) Houthden Linburg-be www.myspace.com/wormfeed
08-Fastcore Fiesta Zdar Nad Zazavou-cz www.myspace.com/wojczech13
08-Boem Tik Fest 2010 in Goes-nl www.myspace.com/boemtikbirthdayfest
08/09-AGH Jubilaums Feierlickkeiten zum 17 Kopi Squat Berlin-de
08/09-Wear Your Bandana Fest (hc/punk) La Spezia-it www.myspace.com/rdamayday
08/09-Libero Ritorno HC Punk fest at the CSOA Ex Mattatoio-Perugia-it
08/09-Subvert Fest 2010 (hc/punk) in Bristol-uk http://bastardsquadcollective.wordpress.com/
08/09-Drag Attack festival Liege-be www.myspace.com/lezoneliege
08/09/10-17 Jahre AGH at the Kopi squat Berlin
08/09/10-Gegen Kultur 2010 in Schwerte-de www.myspace.com/rattenloch
08 to 16-Union Of Sleep in tour www.myspace.com/unionofsleep
08 tyo 17-Herbst Tour www.myspace.com/krawehlkrawehl
08 to 31-Monozid Eastern Europe Tour www.myspace.com/monozid
08 to 01/11-Plague Mass in tour www.myspace.com/plaguemass
09-Coke Bust and more live in London www.cokebust.com www.myspace.com/cokebust
09-Mosh Down festival part 4 www.myspace.com/moshdownfestival
09-Good Night White Pride Fest Warszawa-pl www.myspace.com/gnwp_fest
09-Grindcore Brigade Oberberg Fest Gummersbach-de www.myspace.com/keitzer
09-Around the Boudoir chapter 2 Bordeaux-fr www.myspace.com/kulturenoir
09-This Is Europe festival (hc/punk) Arnhem-nl www.myspace.com/thisiseuropefest
09-Punk Im Herbst Neustadt-de www.myspace.com/punkimherbst
09-Summer’s End Glouchester-uk
09-Body Fest Stockholm-se www.bodyfest.se
09-Morphonic Lab Festival Dresden-de www.morphoniclab.de
09/10-Denovali Swing Fest 2010 www.myspace.com/denovali www.denovali.com/swingfest
09/10-Tattoo Convention Nantes-fr www.myspace.com/conventionnantes
09 to 31-Sleeping In Gethesemane European Tour www.myspace.com/sleepingingethesemane
10-Krach Fest (hc/punk) Gieszer16-Leipzig-de www.gieszer16.org www.myspace.com/gieszer16
10-Abused Musik Antwerp-be
10-Rock Your Mind Fest hc/punk Middlesbrough-uk www.myspace.com/drunkinhell
10 to 15-Wildscreen festival www.wildscreenfestival.org/
11-Mondau Sucks But Not This vol. III Decin-cz www.myspace.com/gxfxtx
12-Berlin Sanity vol. Berlin-de www.myspace.comcoupdeetat
12 to 16-Punk Tober Fest in Glasgow-Scotland www.myspace.com/thewreckingpit
12 to 22-Native Spirit Film Festival London-uk www.nativespiritfoundation.org
13-Git Some and more live at the Old Blue Last-London www.gitsome.org
14-Ufomammut (it) live in Kingston-uk www.myspace.com/ufomammut
14 to 24-Kolyma eurotour www.myspace.com/kolymadk
14 to 27-Obits in tour www.myspace.com-obitsband
15-Destino Final-Firmeza 10-Shitty Limits live in London www.myspace.com/guerraenmigabeza
15-Heirs (aus)-Blueneck live at the Unicorn London free gig
15-Triplex festival Leiden-nl
15-Kick Ass festival (hc/punk) Leuven-be
15-A Scream In The Dark festival Copenhagen-dk
15-Kick Ass Fest in Leuven-be www.myspace.com/rashattackyo
15-Campagne Birthday Fest in Lublin-pl www.myspace.com/tektura
15-MTAE Fest Bradford-uk www.myspace.com/hammers625
15/16-Feirwerw 18 Jahre Munchen-de
15/16-Fuck Off festival Eisenach-de www.myspace.com/fuckoff-punkkonzert
15/16-HC Punk Fest Against Polive Violence Goutte D’Eau Valle D’Aspe-fr
15/16/17- Means To An End 6 festival (hc/punk) Bradford-uk
www.myspace.com/meanstoanendfestival www.1in12.com
15 to 28-Reflections Of Internal Pain in tour www.myspace.com/reflectionsofinternalpain
15 to 02.11-Tragedy in European Tour
16-Ceremony-Unbroken-Rot In Hell-Disembodied-Ritual-Abolition live at the ULU London
16-alldayer Noise Gig at the Windmill Brixton London 3pm to 2am £ 6
16-Hardcore Fest (hc/punk) Antwerp-be
16-Fuck Off festival (hc/punk) Eisenach-de
16-Vasteras City Riot (hc/punk) Vasteras-se www.myspace.com/sistasekunden
16-Fest’Rock Movy(60)-fr www.myspace.com/punishyourself
16-Ritm & Campas Madrid-es www.myspace.com/dishammer
16-Think Twice Fest (hc/punk) Hagen-de www.myspace.com/trainwrecks
16-Up And Down festival (hc/punk) Montpellier-fr
16-Fuck Off Festival Eisenach-de www.myspace.com-fridaynightkids
16-Vulgar Fest Manduria near Taranto-it www.myspace.com/tsub0
16-Festival Du Feu St. lys near Toulouse-fr www.myspace.com/kartierlibreasso
16 to 20-Plague Mass and Crocus uk tour www.myspace.com/plaguemass www.myspace.com/crocusband
17-Vegalite Brno-cz
17 to 24-Weekend Nachos and Cyness uktour www.myspace.com/weekendnachos
17 to 24-Unsound festival Krakow-Minsk www.unsound.pl www.myspace.com/unsoundfestival
18-Destino Final and more live in London www.myspace.com/guerraenmicabeza
19-Weekend Nachos-Cyness-Wojzech-The Afternoon Gentleman and more live at the Grosvenor London
19-Rapsod Human Steak and more live at the Ryans Bar Stoke Newington London
19-Arabrot start eurotour www.myspace.com/arabrot
20-Arabrot-Poino-Dethscalator live at the Other Gallery Stoke Newigton-London
20-Le Scrawl and more live at the AZ Conni-Dresden-de www.myspace.com/lescrawlofficial
20 to 24-L.U.F.F. Lausanne Underground Film and Music Festival Lausanne.ch http://luff.ch/
21-SWN festival Cardiff-wales
21-Gun Outfit live in London-uk www.postpresentmedium.com/gun_outfit
21/22/23-Impossible Fest 2010 Sofia-bg www.myspace.com/monozid
21 to 24-Nodutgang festivalen Nordland-no www.myspace.com/nodutgangfestivalen
21 to 26-Gun Outfit uktour www.postsentmedium.com/gun_outfit
22-Enzo B Day Show at the Deathdrop Squat London www.myspace.com/deathdropsquat
22-HC Punk Gig at the Rat Star Squat in Camberwell-London www.myspace.com/agnosy
22-ZombieTown festival (hc/punk) Koblenz-de www.myspace.com/sidetrackpunx
22-Divaldlo pod Lampou Pilsen-cz www.podlampau.cz
22-Dirty Witch Fest 5 Lyon-fr www.myspace.com/dirtywitchrecords
22-Hell Is Here festival Weimar-de www.myspace.com/burymysins
22/23-Adipocire Fest IX Praha-cz
22/23/24-Supersonic festival Birmingham-uk www.supersonicfestival.com
22 to 07.11-Sugartown Cabaret fron fr in tour www.myspace.com/sugartowncabaret
23-London Anarchist Bookfair 2010 www.anarchistbookfair.org.uk
23-Seein’Red-Extortion-Citizens Patrol-Reproach-Grinding Halt live in Utrecht-nl
23-HC FEST 2010 Warszawa-pl www.myspace.com/refuserecords
23-Screamo Disco Haus Fest Linz-at www.ann-and-pat.at
23-Make Punk A Threat Again fest Cottbus-de www.myspace.com/forliberation
23-Adipocire Fest IX Praha-cz www.exitchmelnice.cz
23-2 Hard 2 Furious Krakow-pl
23-Farm Fest Bree-be www.myspace.com/sunpower
23-Eastfrisian Gore Fest Moomeland-de
23-O Les Choeurs Festival Tulle-fr www.myspace.com/aucan
23-Ann And Pat Screamo Disco Haus Fest Linz-at
www.cateyebooking.com www.myspace.com/cateyebooking
23-Teriaki festival Le Mans-fr www.myspace.com/electricelectricband
23-Drago festival Nantes-fr www.myspace.com/fordamage
23-Michto festival Nancy-fr www.myspace.com/madamemacario
23-HC Punk Festival in Wijlen-be www.myspace.com/brutalknights
23-Underground festival (hc/punk) Vicenza-it www.myspace.com/despiteeverything
23-Surf Rama Fest Madrid-es
23-Musikadonf festival Orchies-fr www.myspace.com/leschefs
23/24-Live Evil Festival London www.myspace.com/liveevilfestival
24-Hellfire festival Milton Keynes-uk www.myspace.com-coldsnaphc
24 to 28-Zeni Geva and Ruins in uk tour
25-Anni Buttati Via Festival Torchiera Squat Milano-it
26-Cast Thy Eyes & Antigua Y Barbuda start euro tour www.muspace.com/castthyeyes
28-Noise=Noise n. 23 at the Woodmill-Bermondsy-london-uk
28-Rockmotives festival Paris-fr www.myspace.cvom/madamemacarion
28-Luft Gitarren festival (hc/punk) Tubingen-de www.myspace.com/diyshows
29-Fat Fest Linkoping-se
29-Bar La Muerte Fest Milano-it
29-Zhark vs. Praxis Party in Arnhem-de www.zhark.org
29/30/31-Gare Au Gorille Fest 2 in Epinal-fr www.myspace.com/lesvoyageursduson
29/30 and 1/11-Despite Everything uk shows www.myspace.com/despiteeverything
30-Bar La Muerte Fest Torino-it
30-Deathskulls live in London www.myspace.com/deathskulls
30-Straight Jacket Nation and more live in London-uk http://bigtakeover.co.uk/
30-Zhark vs. Praxis Halloween Party Tilburg-nl http://praxis.c8.com/ www.zhark.org
30-Batschkapp Frankfurt-de www.batschkapp.de www.electronicdanceart.de
30-DB’S Utrecht-nl www.myspace.com/wwghd
30-Halloween of Doom Darmstadt-de www.myspace.com/walkingonplanks
30-Bracara Extreme Fest 2010 Panoias-pt www.myspace.com/moho666
30-Zikapontium festival Portarlier-fr www.myspace.com/marvinband
31-Bar La Muerte Fest Romini-it
31-3th edition of Gothique Eurydice festival Pfaffenhoffen-Alsace-fr
31-Mundo Idiota festival spain www.myspace.com/festivalmundoidiota
-- Intersquat festival http://festivalfou.blogspot.com/
--Undisciplinary festival www.myspace.com/indisciplinaire
--Folk Artshow Bremen-de www.folk-artshow.de
--7th Antifa Fest Pula-hr www.myspace.com/antifafestpula www.antifa-fest.20m.com
--Reclaim Our Culture festival (hc/punk) www.reclaim-our-culture.com
--Noise Central festival Utrecht-nl www.myspace.com/noise_central_festival
--Castelli Animati 16th edition Roma-it
--Buda Hardcore Fest Bods-no www.myspace.com/dominicdyb
--Dromosphere festival Poznan-pl
--Platforma Video festival Athens-gr www.myspace.com/platformavideo
--Kwark 2010 Eindhoven-nl www.kwarkrecords.tk/ www.myspace.com/kwarlrecords
--Apostazja Fest 4 Poznan-pl www.apostazja.serpent.com.pl/ www.myspace.com/apostazjafestival
--Nu Music festival Stavanger-no www.numusic.no/
--Drotanya festival Budapest-hu www.myspace.com/brutanyafest
--Paysages Electroniques festival Llle-fr www.myspace.com/paysages
--Neuro Fest San Martino Secchia di Carpi-Modena-it www.myspace.com/neurofest
--Soli festival (hc/punk) Juz Mannheim-de
--Dis Patch festival Belgrade-serbia www.myspace.com/dis_patch
--New!New! Festival www.newnew.cz/ www.myspace.com/newnewfest
--Night Klebard festival III Grenoble-fr www.myspace.com/nightklebard
--Kinodance International Film Dance festival St. Petersburg-ru www.uralncca.ru/english
--London International festival of Exploratory Music www.lifem.org.uk www.myspace.com/lifem09
--November Fest (hc/punk) Sweden www.myspace.com/lkpghc
--Nux Vomica (punk/crust us) in europe www.myspace.com/nuxvomica2
--Coliseum and Bison BC in europe
01-Vegan World Day www.worldveganday.org/
04 to 08-Wroclaw Industrial festival Wroclaw-pl
www.industrialart.eu/festival www.myspace.com/wroclawindustrialfestival
04 to 21-Drip Of Lies in tour www.myspace.com/dripoflies
from 05- Art Shake festival Berlin-de http://artshakefestival.blogspot.com/
05-Mitropa Keller Eisenberg-de www.myspace.com/zoschgrrrls
05-Armed Response Unit start euro tour www.myspace.comthearmedresponseunit
05-HC Punk fest in Valtellina-it www.myspace.com/theinfartoscheisse
05-Maschinen Fest 2010 Oberhausen-de www.myspace.com/maschinenfest
05/06-Stumpf festival 10 years anniversary (hc/punk) Hannover-de www.myspace.com/stumpfhannover
05/06-Zivilcourage IV festival Marbach-de www.myspace.com/zivilcourage
05/06-Kielowatt festival Kiel-de www.myspace.com/dremufuestias
06-Hard Tek Night at the Lord Papier Hackney Wick London
06-For All The Cows festival Lustenau-at www.myspace.com/blckws
06-Boozey Du Fest Leeds-uk
06-Teenitus festival Erfurt-de www.myspace.com/electricelectricband
06-Angry Youth festival (hc/punk) Essen-de
06-MAD festival Doudi-fr
06/07-Hash Your Patch Fest (hc/punk) Vastavirta-Tampere-fi
07-Gothmodel Treffen Bochum-de www.myspace.com/incubite
07-Dead Rat Orchestra live at the George Tavern-Commercial Road London www.myspace.com/deadratorchestra
07-CTW Fest Cantembury-Kent-uk www.myspace.com/neveragainxxx
07 to 04/12-Coliseum in eurotour http://coliseumsoundsystem.com/ www.myspace.com/coliseum
08 to 30-Parasytic us in Europe (Despotic Records)
09-Forbidden festival Murcia-es www.myspace.com/farnhate
10-Trash War mit Hippycore in Munster-de www.myspace.com/otthc
10 to 14-Wroclaw Industrial festival Wroclaw-pl
www.industrialart.eu/festival www.myspace.com/wroclawindustrialfestival
10 to 14-Podwodny Wroclaw Wroclaw-pl www.myspace.compodwodnywroclaw
11-Warning/Warning and more live in London http://punkislove.free.fr/
11/12Punk Attack II Fest Erfurt-de www.myspace.com/ajzerfurt
11/12/13-Warning/Warning from France in uk http://punkislove.free.fr/
12-Fusonica festival Barcelona-es
12-Le petite Invite Les Nuits Sonores festival Toulouse-fr www.myspace.com/carcueil
12/13-Narcolaptic live in London www.myspace.com/narcolaptic
12 to 27-Wehrmacht European Tour
12 to 29-Henry Fonda in tour www.myspace.com/henryfondapowerviolence
13-March Of Violets live at the Slimelight London
13-Goremaggeddon IV Gorlitz-de www.myspace.com/goremageddonfestival
13-Bad Taste Karneval Party de www.myspace.com/makondelocation
13-Topperhouse Festival Steinbruch-de www.myspace.com/topperhousecollective
13-Phobos Lab Festival Wuppental-de www.myspace.com/phobosfestival
13-Goremageddon IX festival Gorlitz-de
13-start euro tour for American Cheeseburger (hc/punk/thrash) www.myspace.com/cheeseburgersrule
16-East Trash Fest (hc/punk/thrash) Dresden-de www.myspace.com/wifagena
17-Death Disco at the 21 Notting Hill Gate W11 3JQ London www.myspace.com/thejohnsons01
17-Battantes! Festival Nantes-fr www.myspace.com/madamemacario
17 to 20-Entrails and Gorefest in Germany www.myspace.com/fda-rokotz
17 to 06.12-Burning Love eurotour www.myspace.com/burninglovers
17 to 12.12-uk and eire tour for Action Beat www.myspace.com/actionbeat
18 to 21-Piksel 2010 www.piksel.no
19-Tv Buddhas and more live in London www.myspace.com/tvbuddhas
19-The Rita-Filty Turd-Voltigeurs and more live at the Grosvenor-Stockwell Lodon
19/20-Frauen Fest Linz-at www.ann-and-pat.at
19 to 22-“OUT OF CONTROL” Activist Meeting Against the European Security Architecture
Southern Germany.
20-Mono No Aware and Dirty K live at the Slimelight London
20-New Media Meeting Norkoepping-de www.myspace.com/incitefm
20-Frauen Fest at the Ann And pat-Linz-at www.ann-and-pat.at
20-DIY Alldayer in Leeds-uk www.myspace.com/deathpodal
20-Doom Over Leipzig Leipzig-de www.myspace.com/blckws
21-Festival Du Voyage Solidaire in Toulouse-fr www.myspace.com/olibanum
23-Don Vito live in London www.donvitodonvito.de www.myspace.com/donvitorockt
25/26/27-Culturs Bar Bars festival fr www.myspace.com/jmtachon
26-Der Cult Nurnbereg-de
26/27-Electro Mechanica festival St.Petersburg-ru www.kuryokhin.ru
27-K 4 festaal www.myspace.com/musikverein
27-Znur Fest (hc/punk) Chelm 1-pl www.myspace.com/szopowecrew
27-Sofia Brutal Balkan fest Sofia-bg
27/28-Punk Rock Alarm Lubeck-de
28-TDON 6 Fest in London www.myspace.com/enfocerhc
28/29-By Lem festiwalen www.bylemfestiwalen.bo.pl
--Beartown Hardcore Fest (hc/punk) Dori-fi www.myspace.com/beartownhardcorefest
--BIM Fest Antwerp-be www.bimfest.be www.myspace.com/bimfest
--Xmass Hardcore Super Bowl Fest Budapest-hu www.myspace.com/station80hc
--Next festival Bratislava-sk www.nextfestival.sk www.myspace.com/nextfestival
--Beartown Hardcore festival (hc/punk) Pori-fi www.myspace.com/beartownhardcorefest
02-Anti child League-Skat Injector and more live at the Grosvenor-Stockwell-london
www.myspace.com/antichildleague www.myspace.comskatinjectr
03-La Singe Blanc start tour www.lasingeblanc.org
03/04/05-Sons Of Vesta Fest (hc/punk) Arezzo-it
www.sonsofvesta.it www.myspace.com/sonsofvesta
03/04/05-ATP festival Butling-Minehead-uk
04-Thrash The Thrash Fest de www.myspace.com-ss20hc
04.XMass Hardcore Super Bowl part 4 Budapest-hu www.myspace.com/crippledfoxhc
04-Crust Fest www.myspace.com/walkingtonplanks
04-Burning Ice Fest Monchengladbach-de www.myspace.com/smileandburnpunk
04-50 Jahre Punkrock Geburstagsparty!!! Erfurt-de www.myspace.com/ajzerfurt
04-Dead City Crust Fest Augsburg-de www.myspace.com/deadcityconcerts
04-Book Yer Ane Fest Dundee-scotland
05-ThrashFest tour 2010 de
07-Death Moroz Action Fest Chisinau-Moldova www.myspace.com/thearsonproject
10-Antifascist Rock Action festival Esslingen-de
11-killed By Brno Fest 2010 Brno-cz (hc/punk) www.myspace.com/seeyouinhellthrash
11-Santa Mosh Olten-ch www.myspace.com/poorizon
11-Hardcore Winter Fest vol. 7 (hc/punk) Epplehaus-Tubingen-de
www.myspace.com/epplehaus1 www.myspace.com/diyshows
12-Free Mind Fest (hc/punk) Nowy Sacz-pl www.myspace.com/biggerhalfns
12-Matrix Bochum-de
15-HC Punk Show in London http://bigtakeover.co.uk/
17-Hard Skin and more live at the Grosvenor Stockwell London
17-positively Negative Fest (hc/punk) Athens-gr www.myspace.com/ruinedfamilies
18-Satan Klaus Metal Party in Bucharest-ro www.myspace.com/thearsonproject
18-Reproach 10 Years Anniversary Show in Neerpelt-be www.myspace.com/reproach666
19-Ball der gesche i terten existenzen at the Gieszer16-Leipzig-de
www.myspace.com/gieszer16 www.myspace.com/netlabel_g16
24-Cyness 10 Years Anniversary Show Potsdam-de
http://twitter.com/cyness www.myspace.com/cyness
25-GTR VI Smoking Rock Crew Grafenhainichen-de www.myspace.com/makondelocation
26-International Pizza Punk Day London www.myspace.com/internationalpizzapunkday
26-Weihhachts festival Flensburg-de www.myspace.com/dremufuestias
28-Live Fast Fest (hc/punk) in Raesfeld-de www.myspace.com/livefastfest
31-Fuck New Year’s eve Fest a lot of bands at the Koevoet Squat-Antwerp-be
31-New Year with Detroit Techno Militia Scauri-it www.myspace.com/eatbeatparty
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