venerdì 31 dicembre 2010

giovedì 30 dicembre 2010

New Year eve Outside Koridallos Prison in Athens-Greece

From the prisoners in the prisons of Georgia that started the biggest mobilization in the history of N. America, to the imrisoned Palestinian fighters.
From the imrisoned Chilean anarchists and the revolts in the prisons of San Miguel, Antofagasta, El Manzano etc, to the fires in the flat-roofs of the prisons Malandrinou.
From the hunger strikes in the white cells in Turkey, to the "terrorists" that were tortured in the hellholes of Guantanamo.
From the thousands of immigrants in prisons and in concentration camps, to the addict prisoners that are cramed in the cells of "welfare state".
With dozens of fighters locked u in the Greek prisons and with the recent mass mobilizations around the country (with abstention from rison food and hunger strikes).

. the common struggle inside and outside the walls continues
until the destruction of every prison and system that gives birth to it ...

solidarity goes beyond walls,
through bars, beyond borders


new years eve
31/12/1 11.30pm
on the park on Gr.Lambraki street


ANN and PAT on AIR


mercoledì 29 dicembre 2010

29 december 2010 Remblesham Forest UFO Noise Night

An experimental evening of psychic espionage training, mind control, brain washing,
alien and inter-planetary communication, out of body experiences, and
extra-terrestrial noise.
Uneathing and exploring the myths, fantasy, reality and occult military tactics inspired from the 1980 UFO Incident in Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk.
Your practioners and instructors for this night:

@ Ronnies Bar, Mc Gintys, Ipswich Suffolk uk
Free Entry from 7.30pm

sabato 25 dicembre 2010

28th December Dissident Island @ LARC Whitechapel London


Yep. That's right. You read correctly the first time...

Dissident Island is hosting an all-you-can-drink, karaoke extravaganza this
coming bank holiday Tuesday, 28 December, especially for all you folks stuck in
London between Xmas and NYE with nothing better to do than get riotous with a
mic in one hand and a plastic cup full of mystery punch in the other.

what?   karaoke, punch, fire (in the stove)
where?  LARC, 62 Fieldgate St, close to Whitechapel and Aldgate East tubes
when?   Tuesday, 28 December, 8pm+
bring?  yourself, your friends...

...and if you're ambitious, that backing track to that special song you always
sing in the shower.*

It'll be super cheap and all money will go towards the upkeep and maintenance
of the wonderful resource that is LARC.


*send us an email (dissidentisland[at]riseup[dot]net) if you have a particular
track/tracks in mind and we'll do our best to find it for ya'.

26 DEcember INTERNATIONAL PIZZA PUNK DAY 2010 @ Camberwell Squat London

Free Entry
Bring raw ingredients for the making of vegan pizzas....Pizza bases and sauce proveded, just bring
toppings (onions, garlic, mushrooms, etc.etc.)

from 5pm

venerdì 24 dicembre 2010

sabato 18 dicembre 2010

20th December March of Resistance to Education & Public Sector Cuts

The date is fixed on the 20th of December, so everyone come down to London. We meet at Piccadilly Circus at 12:00 and then we are going through the central London streets, where the police will find it difficult to kettle us.

giovedì 16 dicembre 2010

mercoledì 15 dicembre 2010

17 December CONTRO LA PSICHIATRIA Night @ Spazio ANarchico 76 Napoli Italy

17 December Cena Benefit for Prisoners @ Panico Squat Firenze Italy

17th DEcember ANTIFA Poland Benefit Night @ Arsenal Squat LOndon 8pm

The battle against the far right in Poland is becoming more and more
intense . During the last few years Anti-fascist movement in Poland have
achieved big progress and managed to become something more than just
simply a street force opposing fascist scum in Polish cities. We
organise gigs, meetings, demonstrations, we publish a paper and print
tons of Anti-fascist propaganda like stickers and posters. Unfortunately
our enemies don't sleep. In certain cities level of nazi activity is
growing and its in turn resisted hard by commited local Anti-fascist
groups. Due to our successes militants face increasing level of state
repression as police is finally catching up with our progress and doing
it often with great enthusiasm.
For years we managed to be successful largely due to big international
support from our comrades around the world. We continuously need help in
order to carry on our struggle against often overwhelming odds. Every
penny we get helps to improve our effectiveness by enabling us to spread
our message wide with printed materials, strike fascist scum even harder
and provide good legal help for all comrades facing repression as a
result of their actions.

If you think you can help, contact us at:

Our Rules of Engagement:

- fighting fascism under any disguise and in every part of life: point
that is sef-explanatory. Doesn't matter if they are nazi skinheads,
"elite" from blood&honour, Polish fascists such as NOP or ONR, pagan
shitheads from Niklot or other kind of right wing, homophobic and racist
scum they are all our enemy and a target.

- against any sort of discrimination: while fighting groups representing
those ideas, discrimination should be also confronted in our own

- ideological and physical confrontation: it means fighting on two
levels. Fascists can never win control over streets, thats why physical
confrontation is inevitable and neccessary, but its a mistake to
concentrate only on this, forgetting about ideological struggle.
Fascisms breeds often where no body gave better alternatives for the
people and thats why they turned towards far right ideology. Countering
their propaganda is as important as physical struggle.

- ABSOLUTELY NO CO-OPERATION police and secret services: this
institutions are always our enemy and we cannot be fooled when they are
arresting nazis, because next day it can be us. 100% ACAB!

- No co-operation with political parties: for them anti-fascism is only
a fashionable slogan, bandwagon on which they can jump to get more
influence. When shit hits the fan, they are nowhere around.

- Authoritarian left is not an ally: all sorts of Lenin followers,
communists and pro-state socialists never were and never will be on our
side. For them anti-fascism is a disguise in struggle for power and from
the history we can learn how communist's allies end up when they are no
longer needed.

- no activity of fascists can stay without reaction: you will leave them
once, they will keep coming... - every group acts in full autonomy,
without structures from above: there is no central committee, every
antifa group acts as it sees fit, following only general rules.

- defense of our own people from the repression: militant anti-fascism
is not a game. Lots of our activities might break the law and you should
bear in mind legal consequences. Every person taking part in actions
must know, that he/she has all sort of help and unconditional solidarity

17th December Hard Skin and more live at the GRosvenor Stockwell LOndon

martedì 2 novembre 2010

4th november start Beauty In Decay Exhibition at the Resistance Gallery, 205 Poyser Street E2 9RF London

5 to 21 November Nailbiter Euro Tour

5 Nov 2010 20:30
BRUSSEL, Spitting Against The Wind European tour starts Belgium, ., BELGIUM
6 Nov 2010 20:00
7 Nov 2010 20:00
8 Nov 2010 20:00
9 Nov 2010 20:00
10 Nov 2010 22:00
11 Nov 2010 20:00
12 Nov 2010 20:30
13 Nov 2010 20:30
BRATISLAVA ., ., SLOVAKIA (Slovak Republic)
14 Nov 2010 22:00
15 Nov 2010 20:00
16 Nov 2010 22:30
17 Nov 2010 20:00
18 Nov 2010 20:00
ROME Bencivenga Squat, ., ITALY
19 Nov 2010 20:00
20 Nov 2010 20:00
21 Nov 2010 20:00

GRAFFITI Exhition at the Cordy House, Curtain Rd. Shoredich till 14th november

martedì 26 ottobre 2010

30 October Behind Bars XIX London infoline 07 57 27 87 972

30 October Scum Tek London area

30 October Party at the Cheese Factory Squat London

30 October Genefit Gig live Hip Hop Acts south London area.

HIP-HOP LIVE ACTS from London, San Francisco and Italy to raise money for Italian Antifa

Milan, 16 march 2003, two members of an Antifa group came out of Tipota, a pub frequented by members of leftists groups. Outside 3 fascists were waiting for them with knives, they stabbed them many times, leaving them on the ground. Dax died within a few minutes, the other guy was left with life threatening injuries. Immediately 4 police and carabinieri cars arrived. The street is tight and the cars strategically blocked the paramedics and ambulances getting through. After the guys were finally brought to the hospital, several comrades started moving to the hospital to find it guarded by several cops. Doctors said Dax is dead.
Despair, disbelief and rage....
The cops then provoked us and we push them away,in a few minutes 50 cops and carabinieri arrived and beat everyone in the hospital, militants, friends and citizens. Cops started a man hunt creating chaos in the first aid area and blocked public service. Many people got heavily injured inside the hospital. Cops used baseball bats, iron sticks extended truncheons.
Some people were arrested and charged. At the actual court case there were 4 friends of Dax and 3 cops. The court condemned 2 of the guys to 1 year and 8 months and to pay 10 0000 Euros for the hospital damages although at court the hospital staff confirmed that the damage was done by the cops. The members of the police are totally exempt from any crimes even if initially condemned to to 4 and 7 months of jail. One of the cops was filmed beating up a guy on the floor,the other was seen with a baseball bat.

pass it on!
and be there!!

INFOLINE 07 58 67 69 590

29th October BenefitGig - International Solidarity with the Mapuche Indigenous Struggle & Imprisoned Chilean Anarchists. south London area -

INFOLINE 07 40 42 31 997

28th October NOISE=NOISE London

28th October (opening night 6pm to 12) HOMEGROWN Audio Visual Exhibition at the Arsenal Squat 11-13 Benwell Rd. N17 London

mercoledì 20 ottobre 2010

22 October Poison The Waves Presents Enzo's B-Day Party vol. 2 at the DeathDrop Squat London

21 22 23 October 2010 3 Days Against Expulsion in Torino Italy

In vista della Tre giorni contro le espulsioni che si terrà a Torino dal 21 al 23 ottobre 2010, questo sito raccoglie alcuni materiali che possono essere interessanti se stai pensando di partecipare.

L’appello. Innanzitutto, puoi leggere l’appello che spiega le motivazioni di questa tre giorni. Visto che speriamo che l’iniziativa possa interessare a compagni di tutta Europa, l’appello è disponibile in diverse lingue.

Gli articoli. Per farti capire l’impostazione con la quale ci piace partecipare alla lotta contro le espulsioni, e di conseguenza un’idea di quel che vorremmo discutere durante la tre giorni, stiamo raccogliendo e pubblicando un po’ di articoli che descrivono iniziative avvenute in giro per l’Europa in questi ultimi anni e che ci sembrano degne di interesse. Nella prima colonna a destra troverai gli ultimi articoli che sono stati inseriti.

Le categorie. I centri di detenzione per senza-documenti (Cie, Cra, ecc.) possono funzionare solo perché sono al centro di una macchina più vasta e ramificata, con ingranaggi e punti deboli precisi. È proprio per focalizzare l’attenzione sui diversi momenti del funzionamento di questa macchina, e quindi sulle occasioni per incepparla, che abbiamo diviso gli articoli dell’archivio in queste quattro categorie, visibili anche nella barra qui sopra:

Prima del Cie: gli interventi contro le retate e i controlli di documenti, perché sia più difficile finire nei Centri.
Dentro al Cie: la complicità con le lotte e le rivolte nei Centri, perché sia più facile scavalcarne le mura.
Attorno al Cie: le iniziative contro chi vive sul business dei Centri, perché sia più difficile gestirli e costruirli.
Dopo il Cie: all’ultimo minuto, le iniziative per ostacolare i rimpatri.
Le tag. Per aiutarti ad individuare dentro all’archivio idee e spunti di lotta, ogni articolo è contraddistinto da almeno un paio di etichette o “tag” che indicano la lingua in cui è scritto ma soprattutto l’argomento della storia. Se, ad esempio, ti interessano tutti gli articoli scritti in italiano, clicca sulla tag “Italiano” nell’ultima colonna a destra; se ti interessano tutte le storie che riguardano gli aeroporti, clicca su “Aeroporti“, e così via…

La mail. Se hai delle domande riguardo alla tre giorni, o se vuoi mandare dei contributi per questo sito, puoi scriverci all’indirizzo

Buona lettura, e arrivederci a Torino!