What you have in your hands is a collective zine that is meant to raise public awareness and also give the opportunity to anyone who wants to participate, share knowledge, personal experience or even get in touch with each other but specially get to you the reader. Why?
Today, being outside the virtual world seems almost impossible. Technology is growing inside of us, internet is your friend and also your enemy. You can get free service, it's the quickest way to get in touch with anyone you want any part of the world, get information you need in less than a few minutes, download music, movies, books even zines, you just need to write it down, click, and voilá! You got it on your computer screen.
We use it because everyone can have access to it and that maybe one of the reasons why zine culture is dying. Is this what we want? NO!
Zines are part of the hardcore/punk and DIY culture and somehow, people seem to have a lack of interest on writing or buying them. Is it because of the cover? Is it because of the context and bands? Is it too personal or is it too political? Is it because of the people who write it? No one knows and probably some day no one will care anymore about those forgotten printed pages called zines.
Even the idea of the zine came via internet, these pages are keeping our OPEN MINDS alive and outside of virtual world, because everything you know over there is never enough.
We may not agree with everything we believe and stand for, but we must question and understand why each one of us have different struggles and in crucial times we need to have OPEN MINDS and join forces to fight so we can achive victory.
The more we know, the more dangerous we get!
Lets keep our OPEN MINDS!
If you want to make part of the next issue get in touch at
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